Neurology Specific Literature Search   

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bacterial endocarditis, neurologic manifestations of
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Showing articles 0 to 50 of 6672 Next >>

Infective Endocarditis in Dialysis Patients: New Challenges and Old
Kidney Int 64:720-727, Doulton, T.,et al, 2003

Conduction Block as an Early Sign of Reversible Injury in Ischemic Monomelic Neuropathy
Neurol 43:1126-1130, Kaku,D.A.,et al, 1993

Neuropathy Associated with Brescia-Cimino Arteriovenous Fistulas
Arch Neurol 41:1184-1186, Knezevic,W.,et al, 1984

Ischemic Monomelic Neuropathy
Neurol 33:447-451, Wilbourn,A.J.,et al, 1983

Safety of Spinal Angiography
Neurol 77:1235-1240, Chen, J. and Gailloud P., 2011

A 25-Year-Old Woman With Eye Swelling and HEadache
Neurol 100:879-883, Hehir,A.,et al, 2023

Rapidly Progressive Thalamic Dementia
Neurol 96:e809-e813, Rizzo, A.C.,et al, 2021

Carotid-Cavernous Fistula Presenting with Bilateral Abducens Palsy
Stroke 51:e107-e110, Peng, T.J.,et al, 2020

Rare Presentation of Spontaneous, Direct, Carotid Cavernous Fistula in Late Pregnancy:A Case Report
Ophthalmol Clin Res 2:73-77, Agrawal,N.,et al, 2019

Foreign Body Emboli Following Cerebrovascular Interventions: Clinical, Radiographic, and Histopathologic Features
AJNR 36:2121-2126, Shapiro, M.,et al, 2015

Spinal Cord Ischemia: Practical Imaging Tips, Pearls, and Pitfalls
AJNR 36:825-830, Vargas, M.I.,et al, 2015

Clinical Reasoning: A Woman with Recurrent Aphasia and Visual Field Defects
Neurol 81:e141-e144, Nourbakhsh, B.,et al, 2013

Intracranial Dural Arteriovenous Fistulas: Classification, Imaging Findings, and Treatment
AJNR 33:1007-1013, Gandhi, D.,et al, 2012

Isolated Acute Nontraumatic Cortical Subarachnoid Hemorrhage
AJNR 31:1355-1362, Cuvinciuc,V.,et al, 2010

Intra-Arterial Thrombolysis of Acute Iatrogenic Intracranial Arterial Occlusion Attributable to Neuroendovascular Procedures or Coronary Angiography
Stroke 39:1491-1495, Arnold,M.,et al, 2008

Iatrogenic Arterial Perforation During Acute Stroke Interventions
AJNR 29:974-975, Nguyen,T.N.,et al, 2008

Orbital Syndromes
Semin Neurol 27:269-287, Bhatti,M.T., 2007

Safety of Cerebral Digital Subtraction Angiography in Children, Complication Rate Analysis in 241 Consecutive Diagnostic Angiograms
Stroke 37:2535-2539, Burger,I.M.,et al, 2006

Ruptured Cavernous Sinus Aneurysms Causing Carotid Cavernous Fistula: Incidence, Clinical Presentation, Treatment, and Outcome
AJNR 27:185-189, van Rooij, W.J.,et al, 2006

Endovascular Treatment for Dural Arteriovenous Fistual of the Anterior Condylar Vein With Unusual Venous Drainage: Report of Two Cases
AJNR 26:1955-1959, Tanoue,S.,et al, 2005

Cavernous Sinus Syndrome: Clinical Features and Differential Diagnosis with MR Imaging
AJR 181:583-590, Lee,J.H.,et al, 2003

The Medial Brachial Fascial Compartment Syndrome Following Axillary Arteriography
Neurol 61:1037-1041, Tsao,B.E. &Wilbourn,A.J., 2003

Carotid Artery Dissection After the Intracarotid Amobarbital Test
Neurol 59:1797-1798, Loddenkemper,T.,et al, 2002

Diffusion-weighted MR Imaging After Angioplasty or Angioplasty Plus Stenting of Arteries Supplying the Brain
AJNR 22:1251-1259,1234, Jaeger,H.J.,et al, 2001

Low Rate of Compliations of Cerebral Angiography in Routine Clinical Practice
Neurol 57:2012-2014, Johnston,D.C.C.,et al, 2001

Incidence of Postangiographic Abnormalities Revealed by Diffusion-Weighted MR Imaging
AJNR 21:55-59, Britt,P.M.,et al, 2000

Arterial Dissections Complicating Cerebral Angiography and Cerebrovascular Interventions
AJNR 21:541-545, Cloft,H.J.,et al, 2000

Silent Embolism in Diagnostic Cerebral Angiography and Neurointerventional Procedures:A Prospective Study
Lancet 354:1594-1597,1577, Bendszus,M.,et al, 1999

Risk of Cerebral Angiography in Patients with Subarachnoid Hemorrhage,Cerebral Aneurysm,and Arteriovenous Malformation,A Meta-Analysis
Stroke 30:317-320, Cloft,H.J.,et al, 1999

Rupture of Cerebral Aneurysm During Angiography
NEJM 340:1442, Gailloud,P.&Murphy,K.J., 1999

Stroke Following Central Venous Cannulation
Lancet 349:921, Mainland,P-A.,et al, 1997

Acute Stroke After Coronary Angiography Associated with Protruding Mobile Thoracic Aortic Atheromas
Neurol 49:1689-1691, Shmuely,H.,et al, 1997

Diffusion-Weighted MRI in Transient Global Amnesia Precipitated by Cerebral Angiography
Stroke 28:2311-2314, Woolfenden,A.R.,et al, 1997

Median Nerve Injury:An Underrecognised Complication of Brachial Artery Cardiac Catheterisation
JNNP 63:542-546, Kennedy,A.M.,et al, 1997

Cerebral Angiography Practices at US Teaching Hospitals
Stroke 28:1895-1897, Chaturvedi,S.,et al, 1997

Venous Air Emboli Identified on Head and Neck CT Scans
J Comput Assist Tomogr 20:559-562, Rubinstein,D.,et al, 1996

Dural Sinus Thrombosis Complicating Subclavian Vein Catheterization:Treatment with Local Thrombolysis
Pediatrics 95:138-140, Gebara,B.M.,et al, 1995

Rerupture of Cerebral Aneurysms During Angiography
AJNR 16:539-542, Saitoh,H.,et al, 1995

Neurologic Complications of Cerebral Angiography
AJNR 15:1401-1407, 14081994., Heiserman,J.E.,et al, 1994

Pseudotumor Cerebri:A Complication of Catheter-Induced Subclavian Vein Thrombosis
Arch Int Med 154:808-811, Birdwell,B.G.,et al, 1994

Neurologic Complications Assoc with Internal Jugular Vein Cannulation in Critically Ill Patients
Neurol 44:951-952, Garcia,E.G.,et al, 1994

Brachial Plexus Compression by Hematoma Following Jugular Puncture
Neurol 44:775-776, Fuller,G.N.,et al, 1994

Microscopic Air Embolism During Cerebral Angiography and Strategies for Its Avoidance
Lancet 341:784-787, Markus,H.,et al, 1993

Silent Cerebral Microemboli Occurring During Carotid Angiography:Frequency as Determined with Doppler Sonography
AJR 161:1037-1040, Dagirmanjian,A.,et al, 1993

Complications of Cerebral Angiography in Patients with Sympt Carotid Territory Ischaemia Screened by Carotid Ultrasound
JNNP 56:967-972, Davies,K.N.,et al, 1993

Transient Global Amnesia after Cerebral Angiography with Iohexol
Neuroradiology 34:141-143, Juni,J.,et al, 1992

Current Role of Cerebral Angiography in the Diagnosis of Cerebrovascular Diseases
AJR 159:191-197, Wolpert,S.M.&Caplan,L.R., 1992

Value of Acute-Phase Angiography in Detection of Vascular Injuries by Gunshot Wounds to Head:Analy 12 Cases
AJR 159:365-368, Jinkins,J.R.,et al, 1992

Lacunar Infarction as an Embolic Complication of Cardiac and Arch Angiography
Stroke 22:1603-1605, Cacciatore,A.&Russo,L.S., 1991

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