Neurology Specific Literature Search   

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abducens nerve paralysis
abducens nerve paralysis, bilateral
abducens nerve paralysis, children
acoustic neurinoma
advances in neurology
AMPA receptor antibodies
amyloid angiopathy, hereditary cystatin C
aneurysm, intracranial
angiography, cerebral
anti GQ1b IgG antibody
aqueduct of Sylvius, stenosis
aqueductal stenosis
arteriovenous malformation
arteriovenous malformation, brainstem
arteriovenous malformation, cerebral
ataxia, cerebellar
ataxia, truncal
ataxic gait
autoimmune basal ganglia encephalitis
autonomic dysfunction
behavioral disorder
brain biopsy
brain biopsy, false negative
brainstem, glioma
brainstem, glioma in children
brainstem, lesion of
brainstem, neoplasms of
brainstem, vascular malformation of
calcarine artery
calcification, intracranial
carbon monoxide poisoning
CAT scan
CAT scan, abnormal
CAT scan, brain tumors
CAT scan, contrast enhanced
CAT scan, emission
CAT scan, emission, abnormal
CAT scan, false negative
CAT scan, indications for
CAT scan, metrizamide
CAT scan, myelogram with
cavernous hemangioma
cerebellar ataxia, children
cerebellar mutism
cerebellar pontine angle
cerebellar pontine angle tumor
cerebellar vermis
cerebellum, neoplasms of
cerebral blood flow
cerebral infarction, hemorrhagic
cerebrospinal fluid
cerebrospinal fluid, cytology
cerebrospinal fluid, cytology, false negative
cerebrospinal fluid, oligoclonal IgG in
cerebrovascular accident
cerebrovascular accident, infancy and childhood
cerebrovascular accident, recurrent
chemotherapy, CNS treatment and complications with
cherry red spot
choroid plexus, tumor of
cisterna magna
Clinical Pathologic Conference(C.P.C.)
cluster headache
Collier's sign
congenital heart disease, CNS complications with
controversies in neurology
cranial nerve palsies
cranial neuropathy
cranial neuropathy, multiple
cranio-cervical junction
demyelinating disease
diagnostic criteria
diencephalic syndrome
differential diagnosis
disability, neurological
electroencephalogram, abnormalities of
Embryonal tumors
encephalitis, autoimmune
encephalitis, brainstem
encephalitis, paraneoplastic
fourth ventricle, enlargement of
fourth ventricle, neoplasm of
fundus, abnormality of
gait disorder
gamma amino butyric acid receptor antibody
gamma knife therapy
gammaglobulin therapy, intravenous
gaze palsy
gene mutation
glioblastoma multiforme(astrocytoma Gr.III)
glioma, low-grade
glutamic acid decarboxylase, antibody
Gradenigo's syndrome
head injury
head injury, pediatric
head tilt
headache, children
headache, chronic
headache, neuroimaging in
headache, severe
headache, unilateral
hemangioma, cerebral
hemianopia, homonymous
hemifacial spasm
Hodgkin's disease
human genome
intracerebral hemorrhage
intracerebral hemorrhage, recurrent
intracranial hemorrhage
intracranial hypertension, benign
intracranial pressure, increased
intraventricular hemorrhage
leucine rich glioma inactivated 1 antibodies
leukemia, neurologic findings assoc.with
lid abnormalities
lid twitch
life expectancy
limbic encephalitis
linear accelerator
lymphoma involving CNS
malformation, vascular
malformation, vascular, cerebral
malformation, vascular, treatment of
medulla oblongata, neoplasm of
memory, impairment of
meningeal gliomatosis
mental status, abnormal
mesial temporal sclerosis
midbrain, lesion of
midbrain, neoplasm of
monoclonal antibodies
movement disorder
MRI, abnormal
MRI, brain tumors
MRI, CAT scan compared to
MRI, contrast enhanced
MRI, incidental finding
MRI, indications for
MRI, negative
MRI, serial
multiple sclerosis
multiple sclerosis, children
multiple sclerosis, differential diagnosis of
multiple sclerosis, misdiagnosis
multiple sclerosis, spinal form
myasthenia gravis, differential diagnosis
myasthenia gravis, misdiagnosis of
myasthenia gravis, ocular
myelogram, cervical
neoplasm, intracranial
neoplasm, intracranial with metastasis extracranially
neoplasm, intracranial, children
neoplasm, intracranial, congenital
neoplasm, intracranial, infants
neoplasm, intracranial-presenting as head injury
neoplasm, metastatic to CNS
neoplasm, metastatic to CNS, hemorrhagic
neoplasm, metastatic to CNS-children
neoplasm, metastatic to CNS-hemorrhage into
neoplasm, metastatic to CNS-intraventricular
neoplasm, metastatic to CNS-treatment of
neoplasm, metastatic to Dura
neoplasm, metastatic to skull
neoplasm, posterior fossa
neoplasm, primary intracerebral
neoplasm, primary intracerebral, resection
neoplasm, primary intracranial
neoplasm, primary intracranial-treatment of
neoplasm, primary of CNS
neoplasm, primary of CNS-children
neoplasm, primary of CNS-classification
neoplasm, primary of CNS-familial occurrence
neoplasm, primary of CNS-hemorrhage in
neoplasm, primary of CNS-incidence of
neoplasm, primary of CNS-infants
neoplasm, primary of CNS-intraventricular
neoplasm, primary of CNS-metastasizing supratentorially
neoplasm, primary of CNS-metastasizing to subarachnoid space
neoplasm, primary of CNS-recurrent
neoplasm, primary of CNS-survival
neoplasm, primary of CNS-treatment of
neurofibromatosis 1
neurologic complications of, surgery
neurologic disease, diagnoses of
neurologic examination
neurologic signs
neurologic symptoms
NMDA antagonists
nystagmus, dissociated
nystagmus, lid
nystagmus, vertical
ophelia syndrome
optic atrophy
optic glioma
optic neuritis
optic neuritis, bilateral
pediatric autoimmune neuropsychiatric disorders associated with streptococcal infection
pedicles of vertebrae, erosion of
periaqueductal lesion
personality change
pineal, neoplasm
pituitary, adenoma
pleocytosis of cerebrospinal fluid
pons, lesion of
pontine glioma
posterior fossa
posterior fossa, arteriovenous malformation
posterior fossa, differential diagnosis of lesions of
posterior fossa, lesion of
posterior fossa, signs of
postoperative neurologic complications
potassium channel antibodies
practice guidelines
precipitating factors
pretectal syndrome
proptosis, unilateral
psychiatric problems in neurologic disorders
ptosis, bilateral
pyramidal tract dysfunction
quality of life
radiation therapy, CNS treatment and complications with
radiation therapy, stereotactic
radiation therapy, sterotactic, complications
retinal hemorrhages
retrobulbar neuritis
review article
risk factors
Schilder's disease
seizure, adult onset
seizure, drug-induced
seizure, elderly
seizure, etiology of
seizure, focal
seizure, new onset
seizure, workup of
serologic testing
serologic testing, false negative
shunt procedure, ventricular
shunt procedure, ventriculo-peritoneal
skull x-ray, abnormal
sleep pathology and physiology
speech disorder
speech disorder, childhood
spinal cord
spinal cord, enlargement
spinal cord, intramedullary cyst of
spinal cord, lesion of
spinal cord, neoplasm
spinal cord, neoplasm, extramedullary
spinal cord, neoplasm, infants and children
spinal cord, neoplasm, intramedullary
spinal cord, vascular malformation of
steal syndrome, intracerebral
steroid therapy, CNS treatment and complications with
striatal encephalitis
subacute sclerosing panencephalitis(S.S.P.E.)Dawson's disease
subarachnoid hemorrhage
subconjunctival hemorrhage
subdural hematoma
subdural hematoma, neonates and infants
subhyaloid hemorrhage
subtraction of x-rays
sudden death
Tay-Sachs disease
tectal glioma
tonsillar herniation of cerebellum
treatment of neurologic disorder
trigeminal nerve
trigeminal nerve, abnormality of
trigeminal neuralgia
upgaze, paralysis of
vascular malformation, children, intracranial
vision, failure of in childhood
visual acuity, decreased
vitreous hemorrhage
weakness, progressive
Showing articles 0 to 50 of 4217 Next >>

Brain Tumors in Children
NEJM 386:1922-1931, Cohen, A.R., 2022

Autoimmune Encephalitides: A Broadening Field of Treatable Conditions
Neurologist 22:1-13, Kalman, B., 2017

MRI-Identified Pathology in Adults with New-Onset Seizures
Neurol 81:920-927, Hakami, T.,et al, 2013

Intracranial Hemorrhage in Children
Arch Neurol 65:1629-1633, Lo,W.D.,et al, 2008

Recurrent Hemorrhagic Stroke in Children: A Population-Based Cohort Study
Stroke 38:2658-2662, Fullerton,H.J.,et al, 2007

Treatment of Early Childhood Medulloblastoma by Postoperative Chemotherapy Alone
NEJM 352:10 978-986, 1036, Rutkowski,S., et al, 2005

Tectal Gliomas: Natural History of an Indolent Lesion in Pediatric Patients
Pediatr Neurosurg 32:24-29, Bowers,D.C.,et al, 2000

Radiosurgery for Brain Tumours,Triumph of Marketing Over Evidence Based Medicine
BMJ 318:411-412, Brada,M.&Cruickshank,G.,, 1999

Brain Tumors in Children
Arch Neurol 56:421-425, Packer,R.J., 1999

Neuroimaging in Presumed Primary Headache Disorders
Semin Neurol 17:373-382, Frishberg,B.M., 1997

The Management of Brainstem Gliomas in Patients with Neurofibromatosis 1
Neurol 46:1652-1660, Pollack,I.F.,et al, 1996

Clinical, Neurodiagnostic, and MR Findings in Children with Spinal & Brain Stem Multiple Sclerosis
AJNR 16:87-95, Glasier,C.M.,et al, 1995

Ependymomas of the Posterior Cranial Fossa:CT and MRI Findings
Neuroradiology 37:238-243, Tortori-Donati,P.,et al, 1995

Lid Nystagmus as a Sign of Intrinsic Midbrain Disease
J Neuro-Ophthalmol 15:236-240, Brodsky,M.C.&Boop,F.A., 1995

Brainstem Tumors in Patients with Neurofibromatosis Type 1:A Distinct Clinical Entity
Neurol 45:1897-1902, Molloy,P.T.,et al, 1995

Cervicomedullary Tumors in Children:A Distinct Subset of Brainstem Gliomas
Neurol 44:1798-1803, Robertson,P.L.,et al, 1994

Brain Tumors in Children
NEJM 331:1500-1507, Pollack,I.F., 1994

The Syndrome of'Cerebellar'Mutism and Subsequent Dysarthria
Neurol 44:2040-2046, vanDongen,H.R.,et al, 1994

Focal Tectal Tumors:Management and Prognosis
Neurol 44:953-956, Squires,L.A.,et al, 1994

Surveillance Scanning of Children with Medulloblastoma
NEJM 330:892-895, Torres,C.F.,et al, 1994

Brainstem Glioma:I. Pathology, Clinical Features, and Therapy
J Child Neurol 8:112-128, Maria,B.L.,et al, 1993

Posterior Cranial Fossa Tumours in Childhood
Neuroradiology 35:274-278, Chang,T.,et al, 1993

FDG-PET in Pediatric Posterior Fossa Brain Tumors
J Comput Assist Tomogr 16:62-68, Hoffman,J.M.,et al, 1992

CT & MR Imaging Findings in Adults with Cerebellar Medulloblastoma:Comparison with Findings in Children
AJR 159:609-612, Bourgouin,P.M.,et al, 1992

MR Imaging Features of Medulloblastoma
AJR 158:859-865, Meyers,S.P.,et al, 1992

Midbrain Myasthenia:Fatigable Ptosis, 'Lid Twitch'Sign, and Ophthalmoparesis From a Dorsal Midbrain Glioma
Neurol 42 917-919, Ragge,N.K.&Hoyt,W.F., 1992

Comparison of Myelography with CT Follow-Up Vs Gadolinium MRI for Subarachnoid Metastatic Disease in Children
Neurol 41:46-50, Kramer,E.D.,et al, 1991

Stereotactic Gamma Knife Radiosurgery
Arch Neurol 47:169-175, Lunsford,L.D.,et al, 1990

Role of Stereotactic Radiosurgery with a Linear Accelerator in Treatment of Intracranial AVM & Tumors in Children
Pediatrics 85:774-782, Loeffler,J.S.,et al, 1990

Congenital Brain Tumors:A Review of 45 Cases
AJR 155:587-593, Buetow,P.C.,et al, 1990

Brain Tumors in Children
J Pediatr 114:511-519, Kadota,R.P.,et al, 1989

Computed Tomography in Intracranial, Supratentorial Metastases in Children
Neuroradiology 31:19-23, Pedersen,H.,et al, 1989

Symptomatic Hydrocephalus:Initial Findings in Brainstem Gliomas not Detected on Computed Tomographic Scans
Pediatrics 82:733-737, Raffel,C.,et al, 1988

Prognostic Factors in Brainstem Gliomas
Neurol 36:602-605, Cohen,M.E.,et al, 1986

Brainstem Gliomas of Childhood:Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Neurol 35:397-401, Packer,R.J.,et al, 1985

MR Imaging of Brain Stem Gliomas
J Comput Assist Tomogr 9:263-267, Hueftle,M.G.,et al, 1985

Leptomeningeal Dissemination of Primary Central Nervous System Tumors of Childhood
Ann Neurol 18:217-221, Packer,R.J.,et al, 1985

Sudden Death Due to Massive Intraventricular Hemorrhage into an Unsuspected Ependymoma
Surg Neurol 24:63-66, Poon,T.P.&Solis,O.G., 1985

Cancer in Relatives of Children with Central-Nervous-System Neoplasms
NEJM 311:749-753, Farwell,J.,et al, 1984

Brainstem Glioma:Clinical Manifestations of Meningeal Gliomatosis
Ann Neurol 14:177-182, Packer,R.J.,et al, 1983

Extraneural Metastases in Childhood Brain Tumors
Ann Neurol 10:261-265, Duffner,P.K.,et al, 1981

Oligodendroglioma of the Medulla Oblongata in a Neonate
Arch Neurol 38:520-523, Koeppen,A.H.,et al, 1981

Retinal Hemorrhages, Its Significance in 100 Patients With Acute Encephalopathy of Unknown Cause
Arch Neurol 36:691-694, Keane,J.R., 1979

Calcification in Brainstem Gliomas
Neurol 28:832-834, Duffner,P.K.,et al, 1978

Intracranial Neoplasms in Infants
Arch Neurol 35:533, Farwell,J.R.,et al, 1978

Symptomatic Intracranial Steal
Arch Neurol 34:149, Hachinski,V.,et al, 1977

Brain Stem Arteriovenous Malformations
Arch Ophthalmol 86:255, Lessel,S.,et al, 1971

Acquired Sixth-Nerve Paresis in Children
Arch Ophthal 83:574-579, Robertson,D.M.,et al, 1970

Brain Stem Tumors of Childhood & Adolescence
Am J Dis Child 119:465-472, Panitch,H.S.,et al, 1970

Showing articles 0 to 50 of 4217 Next >>