Neurology Specific Literature Search   

(Click to cross reference)
addiction, heroin
addiction, heroin-neurologic complications with
adverse drug reaction
akinetic mute
amnesic stroke
amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, diagnosis of
anatomy of
angiography, cerebral
angiography, neurologic complications with
anterior cerebral artery, occlusion of
anterior choroidal artery
anticoagulant, treatment in CVD
aphasia, subcortical
arterial dissection
arterial dissection, intracranial
arterial dissection, spontaneous
asterixis, unilateral
ataxic hemiparesis
atheromatous branch disease, intracranial
atrial myxoma
autoimmune disease
basal ganglia
basal ganglia, infarction
basal ganglia, lesion of
basal ganglia, lesion, bilateral
behavioral disorder
Behcet's syndrome
biotinidase deficiency
botulinum toxin
brain scan, abnormal
brain scan, false negative
brainstem, hematoma
brainstem, hemorrhage, primary
brainstem, infarction of
brainstem, lesion of
bulbar palsy
capsular warning syndrome
cardiac catheterization, neurologic complications
carotid angiogram
carotid artery occlusion, intracranial
carotid artery occlusion, neck
carotid artery stenosis, intracranial
carotid siphon
carotid-siphon stenosis
CAT scan
CAT scan, abnormal
CAT scan, brain scan compared to
CAT scan, false negative
caudate nucleus
caudate nucleus, hemorrhage of
caudate nucleus, infarction
caudate nucleus, lesion of
cerebellar hemorrhage
cerebellar lesion
cerebral arteries, territory of
cerebral cortex
cerebral embolism
cerebral embolism, cardiac origin
cerebral infarction
cerebral infarction, subcortical
cerebral peduncle
cerebrospinal fluid
cerebrospinal fluid, abnormal
cerebrovascular accident
cerebrovascular accident, bilateral
cerebrovascular accident, differential diagnosis of
cerebrovascular accident, etiology
cerebrovascular accident, infancy and childhood
cerebrovascular accident, location of
cerebrovascular accident, mimics
cerebrovascular accident, misdiagnosis
cerebrovascular accident, multiple
cerebrovascular accident, prognosis in
cerebrovascular accident, rehabilitation of
cerebrovascular accident, stuttering
cerebrovascular accident, topographic pattern
cerebrovascular accident, vascular territory involved
cerebrovascular accident, young adult
cerebrovascular disease, risk factors in
cerebrovascular disease, treatment of
chasing the dragon
Cheiro-oral syndrome
chest x-ray, abnormal
confusional state, acute
corona radiata
corpus callosum
corpus callosum, lesion of
cortical hemorrhage
corticobulbar fibers
critical illness
crying, pathologic
cysticercosis, cerebral
deep gray nuclei
dementia, subcortical
dementia, thalamic
demyelinating disease
developmental disability
developmental retardation
disability, neurological
disconnection syndrome
dissociated sensory loss
drug abuse
drug abuse, inhalation
drug abuse, neurologic complications of
drug overdose
dural arteriovenous malformation
dysarthria-clumsy hand syndrome
enzyme, defect
epidemiology of neurology
episodic disorders
episodic neurologic deficits
evoked potentials
facial asymmetry
facial nerve palsy
facial weakness
facial weakness, central
facial weakness, central, emotional
fistula, arterio-venous
fistula, arterio-venous, dural
fornix, lesion of
gaze palsy
gaze palsy, horizontal
gaze palsy, horizontal-bilateral
gene mutation
geniculate body, lateral
genital ulcerations
globus pallidus, lesion of
globus pallidus, lesion of, bilateral
headache, unilateral
hearing loss
hemianopia, homonymous
hemiparesis, faciolingual
hemiparesis, recurrent
hemiparesis, transient
hemisensory loss
hemorrhage, putamenal
hemorrhage, thalamic
hepatic encephalopathy
hepatic encephalopathy, acute
hepatic failure
hepatic failure, acute
heralding manifestation
herniated disc, thoracic
Heubner's artery
hyperammonemic encephalopathy
hypoglycemic coma
hypoxia, newborn
hypoxic encephalopathy
hypoxic-ischemic leukoencephalopathy
inborn errors of metabolism
infantile hemiplegia
intellectual deficit
internal capsule
internuclear ophthalmoplegia
internuclear ophthalmoplegia, bilateral
intracerebral hemorrhage
intracerebral hemorrhage, small
intracranial hemorrhage
ipsilateral hemiplegia
lacunar infarction
lacunar infarction, differential diagnosis of
lacunar infarction, pathogenesis of
laughing, pathologic
lenticular nucleus, infarction
lenticulostriate arteries
leukoencephalopathy, toxic
level of consciousness, decreased
limb shaking
liver function enzymes
lymphadenopathy, hilar
lymphoma involving CNS
malformation, vascular
malformation, vascular, dural
medulla oblongata, lesion of
memory, defect of recent
memory, impairment of
meningitis, aseptic
meningitis, cysticercosis
meningitis, TB
mental status, abnormal
mesial temporal lobe
metabolic acidosis
metabolic disorder, primary
metachromatic leukodystrophy
metachromatic leukodystrophy, late-infantile
methylmalonic acidemia
microhemorrhage, intracerebral
midbrain, infarction of
midbrain, lesion of
middle cerebral artery, occlusion of
motor neuron disease
movement disorder
movement disorder, extrapyramidal
MRI, abnormal
MRI, ADC maps
MRI, angiography
MRI, CAT scan compared to
MRI, diffusion tensor
MRI, diffusion weighted
MRI, disappearing lesion on
MRI, punctate pattern
MRI, serial
MRI, susceptibility weighted
multiple sclerosis
multiple sclerosis, paroxysmal symptoms in
nausea and vomiting
neonatal screening, genetic neurologic disorders
neoplasm, metastatic to CNS
neoplasm, metastatic to CNS, hemorrhagic
neurofibromatosis 1
neurologic disease, diagnoses of
neurologic signs
neuromyelitis optica (Devic's disease)
neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorder
ophthalmoplegia, bilateral, acute
ophthalmoplegia, recurrent
ophthalmoplegia, total
optic neuritis
oral ulcerations
parietal lobe, infarction
paroxysmal neurologic deficits
personality change
pleocytosis of cerebrospinal fluid
pons, infarction of
pons, lesion of
pontine hemorrhage
pontine warning syndrome
pseudobulbar palsy
psychological testing
psychomotor retardation
pure dysarthria
pure motor hemiplegia
pure sensory stroke
putamen, lesion of
pyramidal tract
pyramidal tract dysfunction
pyramidal tract, uncrossed
rehabilitation for neurologic disorders
respiratory failure
retro-orbital pain
reversible neurologic disorder
review article
risk factors
sarcoidosis, CNS
sensorimotor cortex
sensorimotor stroke
sensory loss
single photon emission computed tomography
slit hemorrhage
small vessel disease
somatosensory evoked potentials
spinal cord, lesion of
splenium of corpus callosum
spontaneous limb withdrawal
striatocapsular infarction
striatum, lesion of
subarachnoid hemorrhage
subdural hematoma
suprasellar lesion
symmetric brain lesions
temporal lobe, lesion
term infant
thalamus, infarction of
thalamus, lesion of
thalamus, lesion of-bilateral
tonic spasms
transient ischemic attack
transient ischemic attack, crescendo
transient neurologic deficit
treatment of neurologic disorder
viral infection
visual loss
Wallerian degeneration
water channel antibodies
white matter disease
white matter disease, periventricular
white matter disease, subcortical
writers cramp
Showing articles 0 to 50 of 76 Next >>

Neuroimaging Features of Biotinidase Deficiency
AJNR 44:328-333, Biswas,A.,et al, 2023

Dural Anteriovenous Fistulas Presenting as Symmetric Lesions in the Internal Capsule on Imaging Studies, A Case Report and Literature REview
Neurologist 28:304-309, Zhang,D.,et al, 2023

Lesion Localization of Poststroke Lateropulsion
Stroke 50:1067-1073, Babyar, S.R.,et al, 2019

Distinct Brain Microhemorrhage Pattern in Critical Illness Associated with Respiratory Failure
Neurol 90:e2011, Hall, J.P.,et al, 2018

Spontaneous Limb Withdrawal Heralding Hyperacute Stroke or Stroke Worsening
Neurol 87:636-638, Delgado, M.G.,et al, 2016

Brain Abnormalities as an Initial Manifestation of Neuromyelitis Optica Spectrum Disorder
MSJ 17:1107-1112, Kim, W.,et al, 2013

Early Diffusion MR Imaging Findings and Short-Term Outcome in Comatose Patients wtih Hypoglycemia
AJNR 33:904-909, Johkura, K.,et al, 2012

Early Diffusion MR Imaging Findings and Short-Term Outcome in Comatose Patients with Hypoglycemia
AJNR 33:904-909, Johkura, K.,et al, 2012

Predicting motor outcome and death in term hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy
Neurol 76:2055-2061, Martinez-Biarge, M.,et al, 2011

Acute Hepatic Encephalopathy: Diffusion-Weighted and Fluid-Attenuated Inversion Recovery Findings, and Correlation With Plasma Ammonia Level and Clinical Outcome
AJNR 31:1471-1479, McKinney,A.M.,et al, 2010

Diffusion MR Imaging of Hypoglycemic Encephalopathy
AJNR 31:559-564, Kang,E.G.,et al, 2010

Diffusion Abnormalities in the Primary Sensorimotor Pathways in Writers Cramp
Arch Neurol 66:502-508, Delmaire,C.,et al, 2009

Pontine Warning Syndrome
Arch Neurol 65:1375-1377, Saposnik, G.,et al, 2008

Reversible Reduction of Apparent Diffusion Coefficient Values in Bilateral Internal Capsules in Transient Hypoglycemia-Induced Hemiparesis
AJNR 27:1760-1762, Albayram,S.,et al, 2006

Clinical Study of 35 Patients with Dysarthria-Clumsy Hand Syndrome
JNNP 75:231-234, Arboix,A.,et al, 2004

Spontaneous Intracranial Internal Carotid Artery Dissection
Arch Neurol 59:977-981, Chaves,C.,et al, 2002

Pure Sensory Stroke Caused by a Cerebral Hemorrhage: Clinical-Radiologic Correlations in Seven Patients
AJNR 21:515-520, Shintani,S.,et al, 2000

Acute Caudate Vascular Lesions
Stroke 30:100-108, Kumral,E.,et al, 1999

Leukoencephalopathy and Raised Brain Lactate from Heroin Vapor Inhalation ("Chasing the Dragon")
Neurol 53:589-1048, Kriegstein,A.R., et al, 1999

Diffusion-Weighted MR Imaging of Global Cerebral Anoxia
AJNR 20:999-1007, Arbelaez, A.,et al, 1999

Clinical-Radiologic Correlations in Pure Sensory Stroke
Neurol 51:297-302, Shintani,S., 1998

Volitional and Emotional Supranuclear Facial Weakness
NEJM 338:1515, Ross,R.T.&Mathiesen,R., 1998

Ataxic Hemiparesis,Critical Appraisal of a Lacunar Syndrome
Stroke 29:2549-2555, Gorman,M. J.,et al, 1998

MR of Childhood Metachromatic Leukodystrophy
AJNR 18:733-738, Kim,T.S.,et al, 1997

Ipsilat Hemiplegia Caused by Right Inter Capsule & Thalamic Hemorr:Ipsilat Inner of Motor/Sensory Sys by MRI, MEP, & SEP
Neurol 46:1146-1149, Hosokawa,S.,et al, 1996

Dysarthria and Lacunar Stroke:Pathophysiologic Aspects
Neurol 47:1135-1141, Urban,P.P.,et al, 1996

Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis:Correlation of Clinical & MR Imaging Findings
Radiology 194:263-270, Cheung,G.,et al, 1995

Acute Pseudobulbar Mutism with Good Functional Recovery
Neurol 44:176-177, Chesser,M.Z.,et al, 1994

Subcortical Infarction in Children
Stroke 25:117-121, Powell,F.C.,et al, 1994

Small Primary Intracerebral Hemorrhage:Clinical Presentation of 28 Cases
Stroke 25:1500-1506, Kim,J.S.,et al, 1994

A Transient Fit of Laughter as the Inaugural Symptom of Capsular-Thalamic Infarction
Neurol 44:1762, Ceccaldi,M.&Milandre,L., 1994

Location of the Corticospinal Tract in the Internal Capsule at MR Imaging
Radiology 191:455-460, Yagishita,A.,et al, 1994

The Anterior Choroidal Artery Syndrome
Neuroradiology 36:340-345, Takahashi,S.,et al, 1994

Imaging of Cerebral Infarction Caused by Atrial Myxoma
Neuroradiology 36:271-272, Gee,G.T.,et al, 1994

Pontine Versus Capsular Pure Motor Hemiparesis
Neurol 43:2197-2201, Nighoghossian,N.,et al, 1993

The Capsular Warning Syndrome:Pathogenesis and Clinical Features
Neurol 43:957-962, Donnan,G.A.,et al, 1993

Evolution of White Matter Lesions in Neurofibromatosis Type 1:MR Findings
AJR 159:171-175, Sevick,R.J.,et al, 1992

Confusion & Memory Loss from Capsular Genu Infarction:A Thalamocortical Disconnection Syndrome?
Neurol 42:1966-1979, Tatemichi,T.K.,et al, 1992

MRI and SPECT in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, Demonstr of Upper Motor Neurone Invol by Neuroimaging
Neuroradiology 34:389-393, Udaka,F.,et al, 1992

Clinical Anatomic Study of Pure Dysarthria
Stroke 22:809-812, Ichikawa,K.&Kageyama,Y., 1991

Internal Capsule Plaque and Tonic Spasms in Multiple Sclerosis
Arch Neurol 48:427-429, Maimone,D.,et al, 1991

Lacunar Infarction as an Embolic Complication of Cardiac and Arch Angiography
Stroke 22:1603-1605, Cacciatore,A.&Russo,L.S., 1991

The Anterior Choroidal Artery Does Not Supply the Corona Radiata and Lateral Ventricular Wall
Stroke 22:1502-1507, Mohr,J.P.,et al, 1991

Capsular Hypesthetic Ataxic Hemiparesis
Stroke 21:24-33, Helgason,C.M.&Wilbur,A.C., 1990

Caudate Infarcts
Arch Neurol 47:133-143, Caplan,L.R.,et al, 1990

Wallerian Degeneration of the Pyramidal Tract in Capsular Infarction Studied by Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Stroke 21:404-409, Pujol,J.,et al, 1990

Capsular Genu Syndrome
Neurol 40:1499-1502, Bogousslavsky,J.&Regli,F., 1990

Sarcoidosis Presenting with Stroke
Stroke 20:400-405, Brown,M.M.,et al, 1989

Focal Signal-Intensity Variations in the Posterior Internal Capsule:Normal MR Findings & Distinction from Path.
Radiology 172:535-539, Mirowitz,S.,et al, 1989

Showing articles 0 to 50 of 76 Next >>