Neurology Specific Literature Search   

(Click to cross reference)
altered states of consciousness
amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
arrhythmia, cardiac
basal ganglia, lesion of
basal ganglia, lesion, bilateral
carbon monoxide poisoning
carbon monoxide poisoning, chronic
CAT scan
CAT scan, abnormal
caudate nucleus, lesion of
cerebral death
cerebral venous thrombosis, deep
concentration, impaired
cyanide poison
deep gray nuclei
encephalopathy, post anoxic
food poisoning
Gilles de la Tourette syndrome
globus pallidus, lesion of
globus pallidus, lesion of, bilateral
Guillain Barre syndrome
Hallervorden Spatz disease
headache, recurrent
hearing loss
human immunodeficiency virus type 1
hyperbaric oxygen
hypoxic encephalopathy
industrial neurologic disorders
lenticular nucleus, lesion of, bilateral
level of consciousness, decreased
MELAS syndrome
memory, impairment of
mental status, abnormal
methanol intoxication
minimally conscious state
MRI, abnormal
MRI, CAT scan compared to
MRI, diffusion weighted
muscle pain
myocardial infarction
nausea and vomiting
neurofibromatosis 1
neurologic complications
neurologic disease, diagnoses of
neurologic signs
neurologic symptoms
occupational neurologic disorders
oxygen therapy
Parkinsonism syndrome
persistent vegetative state
personality change
poison, neurologic problems with
pregnancy, neurologic complications in
prevention of neurologic disorders
putamen, lesion of, bilateral
respiratory failure
review article
sensorineural hearing loss
skin, cherry-red
striatal encephalitis
striatum, lesion of, bilateral
subependymal nodules
sweating, abnormality of
symmetric brain lesions
thalamus, lesion of-bilateral
treatment of neurologic disorder
tuberous sclerosis
uremic encephalopathy
white matter disease
Showing articles 0 to 50 of 3326 Next >>

Carbon Monoxide Poisoning
BMJ 365:DOI.10.136/BMJ.L2299, Ashcroft, J.,et al, 2019

The Acquired Metabolic Disorders of the Nervous System, Ischemic-Hypoxic Encephalopathy
Adams & Victors Principles of Neurology Chp 40, pg 1133, Ropper, A.H.,et al, 2014

The Acquired Metabolic Disorders of the Nervous System, Carbon Monoxide Poisoning
Adams & Victors Principles of Neurology Chp 40, pg 1138, Ropper, A.H.,et al, 2014

Carbon Monoxide Poisoning
NEJM 360:1217-1225, Weaver,L.K., 2009

Diagnostic Approach in Patients with Symmetric Imaging Lesions of the Deep Gray Nuclei
The Neurologist 9:250-261, Finelli,P.F.&DiMario,Jr,F.J., 2003

Carbon Monoxide Poisoning and Sensorineural Hearing Loss
J Laryngol Otol 117:134-137, Hassan,M.S.,et al, 2003

Carbon Monoxide Poisoning
NEJM 339:1603-1608, Ernst,A. & Zibrak,J. D., 1998

Warehouse Workers'Headache:Emergency Evaluation and Management of 30 Pts with Carbon Monoxide Poisoning
Am J Med 98:145-155, Ely,E.W.,et al, 1995

Carbon Monoxide Poisoning
BMJ 296:77-79, Meredith,T.&Vale,A., 1988

Predictors of Occult Carbon Monoxide Poisoning in Patients with Headache & Dizziness
Ann Int Med 107:174-176, Heckerling,P.S.,et al, 1987

Carbon Monoxide Poisoning with Features of Gilles de la Tourette's Syndrome
Arch Neurol 40:443-444, Pulst,S.M.,et al, 1983

Neurologic Manifestations of Chronic Carbon Monoxide Poisoning
NEJM 261:1217-1220, Gilbert,G.J.,et al, 1959

Carbon Monoxide Asphyxia, A Common Clinical Entity
Canad M A J 78:182-185, Katz,M., 1958

Carbon Monoxide Poisoning During Major U.S. Power Outages
NEJM 386:191, Worsham, C.M., et al, 2022

Pain in Right Buttock after Carbon Monoxide Poisoning
BMJ 373:n1233, Hu, H. & Sun, Q., 2021

Acute Toxic Leukoencephalopathy: Etiologies, Imaging Findings, and Outcomes in 101 Patients
AJNR 40:267-275, Ozutemiz, C.,et al, 2019

Acute Brain Lesions on Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Delayed Neurological Sequelae in Carbon Monoxide Poisoning
JAMA Neurol 75:436-443, Jeon, S.B.,et al, 2018

A 55-year-old Man with Rapidly Progressive Dementia and Parkinsonism
Neurol 89:e182-e187, Tabuas-Pereira, M.,et al, 2017

Mechanisms, Causes, and Effects of Hypercapnia
UptoDate Dec, Feller-Kopman, D.J. & Schwartzstein, R.M., 2016

Carbon Monoxide Poisoning and Risk of Deep Vein Thrombosis and Pulmonary Embolism:A Nationwide Retrospectice Cohort Study
J Epidemiol Comm Health 69:557-562, Chung,W-S.,et al, 2015

The Role of MR Imaging in Assessment of Brain Damage from Carbon Monoxide Poisoning: A Review of the Literature
AJNR 35:625-631, Beppu, T., 2014

The Acquired Metabolic Disorders of the Nervous System, Hypercapnia Pulmonary Disease
Adams & Victors Principles of Neurology Chp 40, pg 1139, Ropper, A.H.,et al, 2014

A Case of Delayed Encephalopathy after Carbon Monoxide Poisoning Longitudinally Monitored by Diffusion Tensor Imaging
AJNR 33:e52-e54, Kuroda,H.,et al, 2012

Differential Diagnosis of Bilateral Abnormalities of the Basal Ganglia and Thalamus
RadioGraphics 31:5-30, Hegde,A.N.,et al, 2011

Clinicopathologic Conference, Thymoma with Paraneoplastic Myasthenia Gravis, Polymyositis and Myocarditis, and Brain Stem Encephalitis
NEJM 365:2413-2422, Case 39-2011, 2011

Myocardial Injury and Long-Term Mortality Following Moderate to Severe Carbon Monoxide Poisoning
JAMA 295:398-402, Henry,C.R.,et al, 2006

MR Imaging and Prognosis of Hypoxic-Ischemic Leukoencephalopathy
Neurocrit Care 4:119-126, Finelli,P. &DiMario,F.J. Jr., 2006

Pallidorecticular Damage in acute Carbon Monoxide Poisoning: Diffusion-Weighted MR Imaging Findings
AJNR 26:1845-1848, Kinoshita,T.,et al, 2005

Hemorrhagic Infarction in White Matter Following Acute Carbon Monoxide Poisoning
Neurol 63:1102-1105, Finelli,P.F. & DiMario,J.F., 2004

Acute Carbon Monoxide Poisoning: Diffusion MR Imaging Findings
AJNR 24;1475-1477, Sener,R.N., 2003

Hyperbaric Oxygen for Acute Carbon Monoxide Poisoning
NEJM 347:1057-1067,105, Weaver,L.K.,et al, 2002

White Matter Hyperintensities and Neuropsychological Outcome Following Carbon Monoxide Poisoning
Neurol 58:1525-1532, Parkinson,R.B.,et al, 2002

A Case Suspected of Acute Gas Poisoning by Carbon Monoxide (CO), Presenting with Progressive Diffuse Leukoencephalopathy Associated with Marked Brain Edema
No To Shinkei 54:493-497, Akaiwa,Y.,et al, 2002

Diffusion-Weighted MR Imaging Findings in Carbon Monoxide Poisoning
Neuroradiology 44:109-113, Teksam,M.,et al, 2002

Neuronal Damage in the Interval From of CO Poisoning Determined by Serial Diffusion Weighted Magnetic Resonance Imaging Plus H-magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy
JNNP 71:250-253, Murata,T.,et al, 2001

The Brain lesion Responsible for Parkinsonism After Carbon Monoxide Poisnoning
Arch Neurol 57:1214-1218, Sohn,Y.H. et al, 2000

The Magnetic Resonance Imaging Appearances of the Brain in Acute Carbon Monoxide Poisoning
Clin Radiol 55:273-280, O'Donnell,P.,et al, 2000

The Magnetic Resonance Imaging Appearances of the Brain in Acute Carbon Monoxide Poisoning
Clin Radiol 55:273-280, O'Donnell,P.,et al, 2000

Optic Nerve Edema as a Consequence of Respiratory Disease
Neurol 53:2204-2205, O'Halloran,H.S.,et al, 1999

Dementia and Snoring
Lancet 353:204, Steiner,M.C.,et al, 1999

Delayed Movement Disorders After Carbon Monoxide Poisoning
Eur Neurol 42:141-144, Choi,I.S. &Cheon,H.Y., 1999

Neuropsychological Impairment from Acute Low-Level Exposure to Carbon Monoxide
Arch Neurol 55:845-848, Amitai,Y.,et al, 1998

Acute Leukoencephalopathies:Differential Diagnosis and Investigation
The Neurologist 4:148-166, Weinshenker,B.G.,et al, 1998

Hyperbaric-Oxygen Therapy
NEJM 334:1642-1648, Tibbles,P.M.&Edelsberg,J.S., 1996

Motor Neuron Disease Presenting as Acute Respiratory Failure:A Clinical and Pathological Study
JNNP 60:455-458, Chen,R.,et al, 1996

Serial Cerebral MRI with FLAIR Sequences in Acute Carbon Monoxide Poisoning
J Comput Assist Tomogr 19:631-634, Murata,T.,et al, 1995

Hemorrhagic Necrosis and Vascular Injury in Carbon Monoxide Poisoning:MR Demonstration
AJNR 14:168-170, Silverman,C.S.,et al, 1993

Congenital Central Hypoventilation Syndrome:Diagnosis, Management, and Long-Term Outcome in Thirty-Two Children
J Pediatr 120:381-387, Weese-Mayer,D.E.,et al, 1992

Delayed Encephalopathy after Acute Carbon Monoxide Intoxication:MR Imaging Features & Cerebral White Matter Lesions
Radiology 184:117-122, Chang,K.H.,et al, 1992

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