Neurology Specific Literature Search   

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addiction, heroin
addiction, heroin-neurologic complications with
amblyopia, toxic
anterior interosseous neuropathy
brachial neuritis
brachial neuritis, acute
burning feet
burning paresthesia
carpal tunnel syndrome
cerebral edema
cerebrovascular accident
compression neuropathy
crush syndrome
cubital canal
double crush syndrome
double crush syndrome, median nerve
double crush syndrome, ulnar nerve
drug abuse, neurologic complications of
drug addiction
encephalopathy, post anoxic
entrapment neuropathy
Guyon's canal
injection neuropathy
intracranial pressure, increased
lateral plantar neuropathy
medial plantar neuropathy
median neuropathy
movement disorder
myelitis, transverse
Parkinson disease
Parkinson disease, unilateral
peroneal nerve palsy
peroneal nerve, lesion of
posterior interosseous neuropathy
posterior tibial nerve compression
radial nerve, palsy of
review article
rheumatoid arthritis
rheumatoid arthritis, neurologic complications of
root lesion, nerve
tarsal tunnel syndrome
tibial nerve
tibial nerve compression
ulnar nerve, compression of
Showing articles 0 to 4 of 4

Cerevical Radiculopathy and Coexisting Distal Entrapment Neuropathies, Double-Crush Syndromes
Neurol 50:78-83, Morgan,G.&Wilbourn,A.J., 1998

Double-Crush Syndrome:A Critical Analysis
Neurol 49:21-29, Wilbourn,A.J.&Gilliatt,R.W., 1997

The Entrapment Neuropathies of Rheumatoid Arthritis
Orth Clin of North Am 6:837-861, Nakano,K.K., 1975

Neurologic Complications of Heroin Addiction
Bull NY Acad Sci 49:4, Ritcher,R.W.,et al, 1973

Showing articles 0 to 4 of 4