Simple,choice,and complex reaction times,attention(variability of responses and omission errors),and impulsivity(commission and wrong-hand errors on choice and complex reaction time)were repeatedly measured in 111 epileptic children,aged 5 to 13 years,tested a total of 232 times. Antiepileptic drugs(AEDs)were started,stopped,and adjusted throughout the study period,for a variety of clinical indications,and AED serum levels were monitored.The relationship of performance to AED serum level was examined.Overall the nonspecific effect of AEDs was minimal:higher total serum levels of AEDs correlated with more impulsive errors on complex reaction time testing only.In contrast,in 54 children receiving carbamazepine monotherapy,we found a dose-related beneficial effect upon reaction time,with higher serum levels associated with faster responses and fewer omission errors,particularly on complex reaction time. Phenobarbital caused minimal dose-related effects:only variability and impulsive errors increased with increasing serum levels,and only on one segment of the test(73 subjects). |