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Clinicopath Conf
Subacute Bacterial Endocarditis with Multiple Cerebral Emboli and Mycotic Aneurysm, Case 10-1993, NE, M 8:717-725,1993., 1993

Idiopathic Granulomatous Angiitis of the Central Nervous System
Arch Neurol 50:925-930, Vollmer,T.L.,et al, 1993

AIDS and the Nervous System
JAMA 261:2396-2399, Dalakas,M.,et al, 1989

Clinicopath Conf
Wegner's Granulomatosis Involving Paranasal Sinuses & Leptomeninges, Case Record 12-1988, NEJM 318:7, 0-7688., 1988

Neurologic Manifestations of AIDS
Medicine 66:407-437, McArthur,J.C., 1987

Meningeal Carcinomatosis:Clinical Manifestations
Arch Neurol 30:138, Little,J.R.,et al, 1974

Neuro CPC of MGH
Congenital Toxoplasmosis Involving CNS, NEJM 269:369-3741963., , 1963

Isolated Intracranial Hypertension Associated with COVID-19
Cephalagia 40:1452-1458, Tulius,M.,et al, 2020

Human Parechovirus Meningoencephalitis: Neuroimaging in the Era of Polymerase Chain Reaction-Based Testing
AJNR 40:1418-1421, Sarma, A.,et al, 2019

Characteristics in Limbic Encephalitis with Anti-Adenylate Kinase 5 Autoantibodies
Neurol 88:514-524,508, Do, L. & Chanson, E., 2017

Clinical Characteristics and Outcome of Brain Abscess
Neurol 82:806-813, Brouwer, M.C.,et al, 2014

Intracranial Neoplasms and Paraneoplastic Disorders, Carcinomatous Meningitis
Adams & Victors Principles of Neurology, Chp 31, pg 662, Ropper, A.H.,et al, 2014

Clinicopathologic Conference, West Nile Virus Infection, Case 15-2013
NEJM 368:1919-1927, Vyas, J.,et al, 2013

Rhombencephalitis A Series of 97 Patients
Medicine 90:256-261, Moragas, M.,et al, 2011

Glucose Transporter-1 Deficiency Syndrome: The Expanding Clinical and Genetic Spectrum of a Treatable Disorder
Brain 133:655-670, Leen,W.G., et al, 2010

Serial MRI and CSF Biomarkers in Normal Aging, MCI, and AD
Neurol 75:143-151, Vemuri,P., et al, 2010

Retrospective Analysis of NMDA Receptor Antibodies in Encephalitis of Unknown Origin
Neurol 75:1735-1739, Pr�ss,H.,et al, 2010

CSF Biomarkers and Incipient Alzheimer Disease in Patients with Mild Cognitive Impairment
JAMA 302:385-393,436,452, Mattsson,N.,et al, 2009

West Nile Virus Neuroinvasive Disease
Ann Neurol 60:286-300, Davis,L.E.,et al, 2006

Role of Magnetic Resonance Imaging Within Diagnostic Criteria for Multiple Sclerosis
Ann Neurol 56:273-278, Miller,D.H.,et al, 2004

Diffusion-Weighted MR Imaging of Pyogenic Ventriculitis
AJR 180:71-75, Pezzullo,J.A.,et al, 2003

Autoantibodies to Glutamic Acid Decarboxylase in Downbeat Nystagmus
JNNP 74:998-999, Antonini,G.,et al, 2003

Anthrax meningoencephalitis
Neurol 59:327-334,300, Lanska,D.J., 2002

14-3-3 Protein in the CSF as Prognostic Marker in Early Multiple Sclerosis
Neurol 57:722-724, Martinez-Yelamos,A.,et al, 2001

Early Diagnosis of Central Nervous System Aspergillosis With Combination Use of Cerebral Diffusion-Weighted Echo-Planar Magnetic Resonance Image and Polymerase Chain Reaction of Cerebrospinal Fluid
Internal Medicine 38:45-48, Kami,M.,et al, 1999

Optic Neuritis, Prognosis for Multiple Sclerosis from MRI, CSF, and HLA Findings
Neurol 50:708-714, Soderstrom,M.,et al, 1998

Hematopoietic Stem-Cell Transplantation in Globoid-Cell Leukodystrophy
NEJM 338:1119-1126, Krivit,W.,et al, 1998

The Predictive Value of CSF Ologoclonal Banding for MS 5 Years After Optic Neuritis
Neurol 51:885-887, Cole,S.R.,et al, 1998

Pertussis Encephalopathy with High Cerebrospinal Fluid Antibody Titers to Pertussis Toxin and Filamentous Hemagglutinin
Pediatrics 102:986-990, Grant,C.C.,et al, 1998

Herpes Simplex Encephalitis (HSE) and the Immunocompromised: A Clinical and Autopsy Study of HSE in the Settings of Cancer and Human Immunodeficiency Virus-Type 1 Infection
Hum Pathol 29:215-222, Schiff,D. &Rosenblum,M.K., 1998

Acute Bacterial Meningitis in Adults, A 20-Yr Overview
Arch Int Med 157:425-430, Sigurdardottir,B.,et al, 1997

Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia and the Central Nervous System:A clinical and Pathological Study
Neurol 46:19-25, Cramer,S.C.,et al, 1996

Cerebrospinal Fluid in Acute Optic Neuritis:Experience of the Optic Neuritis Treatment Trial
Neurol 46:368-372, Rolak,L.A.,et al, 1996

Acute Lumbosacral Polyradiculopathy Due to Cytomegalovirus in Advanced HIV Disease:CSF Findings in 17 Patients
JNNP 61:456-460, Miller,R.F.,et al, 1996

Cytomegalovirus Encephalitis
Ann Int Med 125:577-578, Arribas,J.R.,et al, 1996

Pontine and Extrapontine Myelinolysis:A Neurologic Disorder Following Rapid Correction of Hyponatremia
Medicine 72:359-373, Karp,B.I.&Laureno,R., 1993

Clinicopath Conf
Cat-Scratch Disease, with Encephalopathy, Case 22-1992, NEJM 326:1480-148992., , 1992

Spinal Cord Compression from Epidural Metastases
NEJM 327:614-619, Byrne,T.N., 1992

Coma Assoc with Bursts of Abnor Movements & Cognitive Disturb:Acute Encephalopathy of Obscure Origin
J Pediatr 121:845-851, Sebire,G.,et al, 1992

Cerebral Venous Thrombosis
Neurol Clin 10:87-111, Ameri,A.&Bousser,M-G., 1992

Clinicopath Conf
Renal Cholesterol Embolism (after CABG) , Case 2-1991, NEJM 324:113-1201., , 1991

Clinical and Electrophysiological Aspects of Acute Paralytic Disease of Children and Young Adults in Northern China
Lancet 338:593-597, McKhann,G.M.,et al, 1991

Sarcoidosis of the Nervous System, A Clinical Approach
Arch Int Med 151:1317-1321, Sharma,Om.P.&Sharma,A.D., 1991

A Long-Term Prospective Study of Optic Neuritis:Evaluation of Risk Factors
Ann Neurol 27:386-393, Sandberg-Wollheim,M.,et al, 1990

Cerebrospinal Fluid Values in the Very Low Birth Weight Infant
J Pediatr 116:971-974, Rodriquez,A.F.,et al, 1990

Acute Autonomic Neuropathy, Two Cases and a Clinical Review
Arch Int Med 150:2373-2376, Hart,R.G.&Kanter,M.C., 1990

Clinicopath Conf
Acute Multiple Sclerosis, Case Record 42-1990, NEJM 323:1123-1135990., , 1990

Infantile CNS Spongy Degeneration-14 Cases:Clinical Update
Neurol 40:1876-1882, Gascon,G.G.,et al, 1990

Clinicopath Conf
Primary (Granulomatous) Angiitis of Central Nervous System, Case Record 8-1989, NEJM 320:514-5249., , 1989

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