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Filter Applied: frontal lobe,atrophy (Click to remove)

Cerebral Cortical and White Matter Lesions in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis With Dementia; Correlation With MR and Pathologic Examinations
AJNR 28:1505-1510, Matsusue,E.,et al, 2007

The Spectrum of Imaging and Neuropsychological Findings in Pick's Disease
Neurol 39:362-368, Knopman,D.S.,et al, 1989

Classic & Generalized Variants of Pick's Disease, A Clinicopath, Ultrastruc & Immunocyto Study
Ann Neurol 16:467-480, Munoz-Garcia,D.,et al, 1984

Computed Tomography in Pick's Disease:Findings in a Family Affected in Three Consecutive Generations
J Comput Assist Tomogr 6:907-911, Groen,J.J.,et al, 1982

Frontal Lobe Degeneration:Clinical, Neuropsychologicaland SPECT Characteristics
Neurol 41:1374-1382, Miller,B.L.,et al, 1991

Clinicopath. Conference
Pick's Disease of Brain, with Frontal Lobar Atrophy, Degen of Basal Ganglia, Case 16-1986, NEJM 314:, 101-,1986., 1986

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