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Infectious and Non-Infectious Neurologic Complications in Heart Transplant Recipients
Medicine 89:166-175, Mu�oz,P., et al, 2010

Brachial Plexus Compression by Hematoma Following Jugular Puncture
Neurol 44:775-776, Fuller,G.N.,et al, 1994

Transient Brachial Plexopathy as a Complication of Internal Jugular Vein Cannulation
Neurol 41:760, Sylvestre,D.L.,et al, 1991

Mechanism and Frequency of Brachial Plexus Injury in Open-Heart Surgery:A Prospective Analysis
Ann Thorac Surg 36:675-679, Hanson,M.R.,et al, 1983

Peripheral Nervous System Complications of Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Surgery
Ann Neurol 12:297-301, Lederman,R.J.,et al, 1982

Catheter Complications in Total Parenteral Nutrition
NEJM 290:757-761, Ryan,J.A.,et al, 1974

Horner's Syndrome in Childhood
Neurol 26:216-220, Sauer,C.,et al, 1976

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