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Clinicopathologic Conference, Encephalitis due to Behcets Disease
NEJM 387:925-933, Case 27-2022, 2022

A 48-year-old woman with confusion, personality change, and multiple enhancing brain lesions
Neurol 90:e1724-e1729, Hills, J.M.,et al, 2018

Investigations in GABA? Receptor Antibody-Associated Encephalitis
Neurol 88:1012-1020,1010, Spatola, M.,et al, 2017

Clinicopathologic Conference, MELAS (mitochondrial encephalopathy, lactic acidosis, and stroke like episodes)
NEJM 376:1668-1678, CASE 13-2017, 2017

A Case of Altered Mental Status, Not Otherwise Specified
Neurol 89:e154-e158, Swor, D.E.,et al, 2017

Paediatric Autoimmune Encephalopathies: Clinical Features, Laboratory Investigations and Outcomes in Patients with or without Antibodies to known Central Nervous System Autoantigens
JNNP 84:748-755, Hacohen, Y.,et al, 2013

Anti-N-Methyl-D-Aspartate Receptor (NHMDAR) Encephalitis in Children and Adolescents
Ann Neurol 66:11-18,1, Florance,N.R.,et al, 2009

Potassium Channel Antibody-Associated Encephalopathy: A Potentially Immunotherapy-Responsive Form of Limbic Encepahlitis
Brain 127:701-712, Vincent,A.,et al, 2004

Susac Syndrome
Medicine 77:3-11, Papo,T.,et al, 1998

A 47-Year-Old Man With an Upper Respiratory Infection, Acute Confusion, Dysarthria, and Ataxia
Neurol 100:978-983, Kubicki,K.,et al, 2023

Posterior Reversible Encephalopathy Syndrome
NEJM 388:2171-2178, Geocadin,R.G., 2023

A 40-Year-Old Woman Presenting with Encepatholopathy and Paraparesis
Neurol 101:e94-e98, AlSabah,A.,et al, 2023

Lentiform Fork Sign in Metabolic Acidosis
Ann Neurol 89:188-189, Kumar, N. & Kumar, D., 2021

Nitromethane-Induced Acute Reversible Encephalopathy
Neurol 97:e1361-e1362, Palumbo, G.,et al, 2021

A Middle-Aged Man with a History of Muscle Pain Presenting with Progressive Leukoencephalopathy and Subsequent Coma
Neurol 97:910-915, Jakobsson, A.S.,et al, 2021

Reversible Diffusion-Weighted Imaging Lesions in Acute Ischemic Stroke
Neurol 94:571-587, Nagaraja, N.,et al, 2020

Case of Topical Metronidazole-Induced Encephalopathy
JAMA Neurol 77:1318-1319, Mathew, R.P. & Kunhimohammed, S.P., 2020

Cytotoxic Lesions of the Corpus Callosum Caused by Thermogenic Dietary Supplements
AJNR 40:1304-1308, Galnares-Olalde, J.A.,et al, 2019

Headache and Altered Mental Status
Neurol 90:e1267-e1270, Spera, K.M.,et al, 2018

Treatable Bilateral Striatal Lesions Related to Anti-Dopamine 2 Receptor
Neurol 91:98-101, Marques-Matos, C.,et al, 2018

Man with Recurrent Paralysis and Cerebral White Matter Lesions
JAMA Neurol 74:599-600, Xiao, F., 2017

CNS Posttransplant Lymphoproliferative Disorder
Neurol 89:e32-e37, Kesari, N.K.,et al, 2017

Myelopathy in Behcets Disease: The Bagel Sign
Ann Neurol 82:288-298, Uygunoglu, U.,et al, 2017

A 34-Year-Old Man with Headache, Diploplia, and Hemiparesis
Neurol 86:e28, Lincoln, M.R.,et al, 2016

MRI Findings of Biotin-Responsive Basal Ganglia Disease Before and After Treatment
Neurol 86:e71-e72, Saeedan, M.B. & Dogar, M.A., 2016

A 44-Year-Old Man with Eye, Kidney, and Brain Dysfunction
Ann Neurol 79:507-519, Vodopivec, I.,et al, 2016

Uremic Encephalopathy: MR Imaging Findings and Clinical Correlation
AJNR 37:1604-1609, Kim, D.M.,et al, 2016

Clinical Reasoning: An Unusual Case of Subacute Encephalopathy
Neurol 84:e33-e37, Parikh, N.,et al, 2015

Demyelinating Encephalopathy in Adult Onset Stills Disease: Case Report and Review of the Literatures
Clin Neurol Neurosurg 115:2213-2216, Jie, W., et al, 2015

Rotavirus-Associated Mild Encephalopathy with a Reversible Splenial Lesion (MERS)
BMC Infect Dis 15:446, Karampatsas, K.,et al, 2015

Progressive Visuospatial Problems in a 71-Year-Old Man
Neurol 83:e6-e10, Symmonds, M.,et al, 2014

A Man with Tingling Fingers
BMJ 346:f1443, Larkman, M.,et al, 2013

Deep Coma and Diffuse White Matter Abnormalities Caused by Sepsis-Associated Encephalopathy
Lancet 381:2222, Luitse, M.,et al, 2013

Clinical Reasoning: A Young Man with Reversible Paralysis, Cerebral White Matter Lesions, and Peripheral Neuropathy
Neurol 79: e70-e72, Zhong, L.,et al, 2012

A Case of Hashimoto Encephalopathy Clinical Manifestation, Imaging, Pathology, Treatment, and Prognosis
The Neurologist 17:141-143, Zhao, W.,et al, 2011

An Acutely Confused Young Woman
Lancet 378-456, Casetta, I,.et al, 2011

Autoimmune Encephalopathy
Semin Neurol 31:144-157, Flanagan, E.,et al, 2011

Hashimotos Encephalopathy
Radiol Case Reports 6:445-449, Ramalho, J. & Castillo, M., 2011

Diffusion MR Imaging of Hypoglycemic Encephalopathy
AJNR 31:559-564, Kang,E.G.,et al, 2010

Clinical and Radiological Features of Rotavirus Cerebellitis
AJNR 31:1591-1595, Takanashi,J.,et al, 2010

Acute Hepatic Encephalopathy: Diffusion-Weighted and Fluid-Attenuated Inversion Recovery Findings, and Correlation With Plasma Ammonia Level and Clinical Outcome
AJNR 31:1471-1479, McKinney,A.M.,et al, 2010

Relationships Between Cerebral Perfusion and Reversibility of Acute Diffusion Lesions in DEFUSE: Insights from RADAR
Stroke 40:1692-1697, Olivot,J.-M.,et al, 2009

Brain Lesions Are Most Often Reversible in Acute Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic Purpura
Neurol 73:66-70, Burrus,T.M.,et al, 2009

Paraneoplastic Extra Limbic Encephalitis Associated with Thymoma
ICVTS 9:755-756, Rizzardi,G.,et al, 2009

Primary Central Nervous System Vasculitis with Prominent Leptomeningeal Enhancement
Arthritis Rheum:58:595-603, Salvarani, C.,et al, 2008

Transient Postictal MRI Changes in Patients with Brain Tumors may Mimic Disease Progression
Surg Neurol 67:246-250, Finn, M.A.,et al, 2007

Reversible Posterior Leukoencephalopathy Syndrome and Bevacizumab
NEJM 354:980-982, Ozcan,C.,et al, 2006

Pre- and Posttreatment MR Imaging Findings in Lead Encephalopathy
AJNR 27:902-903, Atre,A.L.,et al, 2006

Episodic Neurologic Dysfunction with Migraine and Reversible Imaging Findings After RadiationRRH
Neurol 67:676-678, Pruitt,A.,et al, 2006

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