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Retinitis Pigmentosa
Surv Ophthalmol 33:137-177, Pagon,R.A., 1988

Vertigo of Vascular Origin, Clinical and Electronystagmographic Features in 84 Cases
Arch Neurol 46:281-284, Grad,A.&Balch,R.W., 1989

Oculomotor, Auditory, and Vestib ular Responses in Myotonic Dystrophy
Arch Neurol 49:954-960, Verhagen,W.I.M.,et al, 1992

Auditory Vestibular Dysfunction after High-Impact Aerobics
NEJM 324:927-928, Cantrell,H., 1991

High-Impact Aerobic Exercises and Vertigo-A Possible Cause of Bilateral Vestibulopathy
NEJM 323:1633, Weintraub,M.I., 1990

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