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Filter Applied: ergotamine (Click to remove)

Valvular Heart Disease and the Use of Dopamine Agonists for Parkinsons Disease
NEJM 356:39-46, Zanettini,R.,et al, 2007

Drugs for Migraine
The Medical Letter 37:17-20, , 1995

Safety and Efficacy of Ergotamine Tartrate & Dihydroergotamine in the Trmt of Migraine & Status Migrainosus
Neurol 45:577-584, Silberstein,S.D.,et al, 1995

Practice Parameter:Appropriate Use of Ergotamine Tartrate & Dihydroergotamine in the Trmt of Migraine & Status Migrainosus
Neurol 45:585-587, , 1995

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