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A Woman in Her 60s with Chronic Meningitis from Aspergillus
JAMA Neurol 74:348-352, Pichler, M.R.,et al, 2017

Clinicopath Conf., Ruptured Mycotic Aneurysms of Basilar Artery Due to Aspergillosis of Sphenoid Sinuses and Optic Nerve Infarction
NEJM 358:2619-2628, Case 18-2008, 2008

Churg-Strauss Syndrome, Clinical Study and Long-Term Follow-Up of 96 Patients
Medicine 78:26-37, Guillevin,L.,et al, 1999

Invasive Aspergillus Sinusitis in Patients with Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infection
Medicine 76:249-255, Mylonakis,E.,et al, 1997

Aspergillosis of the Brain and Paranasal Sinuses in Immunocompromised Patients:CT and MR Imaging Findings
AJR 162:155-159, Ashdown,B.C.,et al, 1994

Acute Bacterial Meningitis in Adults, A Review of 493 Episodes
NEJM 328:21-28, Durand,M.L.,et al, 1993

Cavernous Sinus Thrombosis
StatPearls PMID:28846357, Plewa,M.C.,et al, 2023

Aspergillosis-Induced Vasculitis Presenting as Ischemic Stroke in an Immunocompetent Patient
Neurol 92:e2618-e2619, Lebeaux, D.,et al, 2019

Cavernous Sinus Thrombosis in Children
Stroke 46:2657-2660, Press, C.A.,et al, 2015

Systematic Review: Efficacy and Safety of Medical Marijuana in Selected Neurologic Disorders
Neurol 82:1556-1563, Koppel, B.S.,et al, 2014

Infections of the Nervous System, (Bacterial, Fungal, Spirochetal, Parasitic) and Sarcoidosis, Septic Cavernous Sinus Thrombophlibitis
Adams & Victors Principles of Neurology, Chp 32, pg 713, Ropper, A.H.,et al, 2014

Differential Diagnosis of Postpartum Headaches
Rev Mex Anest 32:Suppl1 S16-S23, MacArthur,A., 2009

Insidious Sinusitis Leading to Catastrophic Cerebral Aspergillosis in Transplant Recipients
Neurol 70:2411-2413, van de Beek,D.,et al, 2008

Rhino-orbitocerebral Mucormycosis Associated with Cavernous Sinus Thrombosis: Case Report
Intl Arch Otorhinolaryngol 12:574-578, Haber,D.,et al, 2008

Emergent Headaches During Pregnancy: Correlation Between Neurologic Examination and Neuroimaging
AJNR 28:1085-1087, Ramchandren,S.,et al, 2007

Central Nervous System Aspergillosis in Patients with Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infection
Medicine 79:269-280, Mylonakis,E. et al, 2000

Difficult Asthma or Churg-Strauss Syndrome? Steroids May be Masking Undiagnosed Cases of Churg-Strauss Syndrome
BMJ 318:475-476, D'Cruz,D.P.,et al, 1999

Headache: Cortical Vein Thrombosis and Response to Anticoagulation
J Emerg Med 17:449-453, Minadeo,J.P &Karaman,B.A., 1999

Septic Thrombosis of the Cavernous Sinuses
Arch Neurol 45:567-572, DiNubile,M.J., 1988

Sino-Orbital Aspergillosis Associated with Total Ophthalmoplegia
Laryngoscope 95:190-192, Yumoto,E.,et al, 1985

Fungal Aneurysms of Intracranial Vessels
Arch Neurol 33:577, Horten,B.C., 1976

Neurological Complications of Infections of the Head & Neck
Otolaryng Clin North Am 9:729, Kaplan,R.J., 1976

Central Nervous System Manifestations of Periarteritis Nodosa
Neurol 15:114, Ford,R.G.,et al, 1965

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