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Idiopathic Orbital Inflammation and Tolosa-Hunt Syndrome with Intracranial Extension
Neurol 101:371-374, Yu,S. & Chen,T., 2023

Orbital Apex Syndrome
NEJM 378:18, Sacks. C.A., 2018

Ruptured Cavernous Sinus Aneurysms Causing Carotid Cavernous Fistula: Incidence, Clinical Presentation, Treatment, and Outcome
AJNR 27:185-189, van Rooij, W.J.,et al, 2006

Complete Ophthalmoplegia After Zoster Ophthalmicus
J Neuro-Ophthalmol 17:262-265, Chang-Godinich,A.,et al, 1997

Clinicopath Conf
B-Cell Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia/Small Lymphocytic Lymphoma with Infilt of Orbital Muscle, Case 4, 193,NEJM 328:266-275,1993., 1993

Sino-Orbital Aspergillosis Associated with Total Ophthalmoplegia
Laryngoscope 95:190-192, Yumoto,E.,et al, 1985

Idiopathic Inflammatory Orbital Pseudotumor in Childhood
Ophthalmology 88:565-574, Mottow-Lippa,L., et al, 1981

The Carotid-Cavernous Fistula:Spontaneous & Traumatic, In Clinical Neuro-Ophthalmology
3rd Ed, Williams & Wilkins, Baltimore, p. 1714, Walsh,F.B.&Hoyt,W.F., 1969

Ischemic Retinopathy from Prolonged Orbital Compression
NEJM 390::e14, Chen,Y-K and Chen C-L, 2024

Expanding Clinical Spectrum an Anti-GQ1b Antibody Syndrome, A Review
JAMA Neurol 81:762-770, Lee,S-U.,et al, 2024

Woman With Acute Bilateral Ophthalmoplegia
Neurol 101:140-144, Giacobbe,Alket al, 2023

Bilateral Cavernous Carotid Aneurysms: Atypical Presentation of a Rare Cause of Mass Effect
Front Neurol doi:10.3389/fneur.2018.0069, Gagliardi, D.,et al, 2018

Myasthenia, In Neuroophthalmology
1978, Harper & Row, P. 268., Glaser,J.S., 1978

Fisher's Syndrome:A Pharmacological Study of the Pupils
Ann Neurol 2:63, Okajima,T.,et al, 1977

Tonic Pupils with Acute Ophthalmoplegic Polyneuritis
Ann Neurol 2:393, Keane,J.R., 1977

Neurological Problems in Endocrine Diseases
Med Clin North Am 56:1029, Dale,A., 1972

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