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Community-Acquired Bacterial Meningitis in Elderly Patients: Experience Over 30 Years
Medicine 88:115-119, Cabellos,C.,et al, 2009

Neurocysticercosis in Houston, Texas:A Report of 112 Cases
Medicine 73:37-52, Shandera,W.X.,et al, 1994

Community-Acquired Bacterial Meningitis in Elderly Patients: Experience over 30 Years
Medicine 88:115-119, Cabellos,C.,et al, 2009

Intracerebral Haemorrhage
Lancet 373:1632-1644, Qureshi,A.I.,et al, 2009

Febrile Seizures
BMJ 334:307-11, Sadleir,L.G. &Scheffer,I.E., 2007

Guidelines for the Management of Spontaneous Intracerebral Hemorrhage in Adults: 2007 Update
Stroke 38:2001-2023, Broderick,J.,et al, 2007

Anticipation of Epileptic Seizures from Standard EEG Recordings
Lancet 357:183-188,160, Le Van Quyen,M.,et al, 2001

Bilaterally Symmetric Hippocampi and Surgical Outcome, Jack
Neurol 45:1353-1358, Jr,C.R.,et al, 1995

Preoperative MRI Predicts Outcome of Temporal Lobectomy:An Actuarial Analysis
Neurol 45:1358-1363, 12481995., Berkovic,S.F.,et al, 1995

JNNP 57:264-277, Chadwick,D., 1994

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