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Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome
NEJM 375:2468-2479, McQueen, K. & Murphy-Oikonen, J., 2016

Generalized Tonic-Clonic Seizures After Acute Oxcarbazepine Withdrawal
Neurol 70:2187-2188, Azar,N.J.,et al, 2008

The Alcohol Withdrawal Syndrome
JNNP 79:854-862, McKeon,A.,et al., 2008

Cerebrospinal Fluid Pleocytosis After Seizures
South Med J 76:322-327, Prokesch, R.C.,et al, 1983

Perioperative Management of Anticoagulant and Antiplatelet Therapy
NEJM Evid doi:10.1056/EVIDna2200322, Douketis,J.D. & Spyropoulos,A.C., 2023

Perioperative Acute Ischemic Stroke in Patients with Atrial Fibrillation
Ann Neurol 94:321-329, Shu, al, 2023

Cannabis-Related Disorders and Toxic Effects
NEJM 389: 2267-2275, Gorelick,D.A., 2023

Caudal Epidural Steroid Injections in the Setting of Remaining on Antithrombotics: A Retrospective Study
Pain Physician 24:e821-e828, Simon,J.I.,et al, 2021

Use of Dual Antiplatelet Therapy Following Ischemic Stroke
Stroke 51:e78-e80, Dong, J.,et al, 2020

Non-Traumatic Subdural Hemorrhage and Risk of Arterial Ischemic Events
Stroke 51:1464-1469, Murthy, S.B.,et al, 2020

Deprescribing in Epilepsy
JAMA Neurol 77:673-674, Terman, S.W.,et al, 2020

Antiplatelet and Anticoagulant Risk for Select Spine Interventions:A Retrospective Cohort
Pain Med 21:910-917, Ehsanian,R.,et al, 2020

A 71-year-old Man Receiving Treatment for Cryptococcal Meningitis, Developing New-Onset Lethargy
Neurol 92:815-820, Peng, T.J.,et al, 2019

Clinicopathologic Conference, Poststroke Mania and the Frontal Lobe Syndrome
NEJM 379:182-189, Case 21-2018, 2018

Management of Anticoagulants in Patients Undergoing Endoscopic Procedure, Dec, Kamath, P.S., 2018

Anticoagulant-Associated Intracranial Hemorrhage in the Era of Reversal Agents
Stroke 48:1432-1437, Steiner, T.,et al, 2017

Rebound Syndrome in Patients with Multiple Sclerosis after Cessation of Fingolimod Treatment
JAMA Neurol 73:790-794, Hatcher, S.E.,et al, 2016

Resective Epilepsy Surgery for Drug-Resistant Focal Epilepsy
JAMA 313:285-293, Jobst, B.C. & Cascino, G.D., 2015

Peri-Procedural Management of Patients Taking Oral Anticoagulants
BMJ 351:h2391, Daniels, P.R., 2015

Oral Anticoagulants for Stroke Prevention in Atrial Fibrillation: Current Status, Special Situations, and Unmet Needs
Lancet 386:303-310, Verheugt, F.W.A. & Granger, C.B., 2015

Drug Treatment of Epilepsy in Adults
BMJ 348:g2546, Schmidt, D. & Schachter, S.C., 2014

Clinical Features of Dopamine Agonist Withdrawal Syndrome in a Movement Disorders Clinic
JNNP 84:130-135, Pondal, M.,et al, 2013

Should Statins be Paused or Discontinued After Thrombolysis or Acute Intracerebral Hemorrhage? No!
Stroke 44:1472-1476, Scheitz, J.F.,et al, 2013

Summary of Evidence-Based Guideline: Periprocedural Management of Antithrombic Medications in Patients with Ischemic Cerebrovascular Disease
Neurol 80:2065-2069, Armstrong, M.,et al, 2013

Management of Antithrombotic Therapy in Patients Undergoing Invasive Procedures
NEJM 368:2113-2124, Baron, T.,et al, 2013

Statin Therapy should not be Discontinued in Patients with Intracerebral Hemorrhage
Stroke 44:2060-2061,2062, Bustamante, A. & Montaner, J., 2013

Statin Therapy should be Discontinued in Patients with Intracerebral Hemorrhage
Stroke 44:2058-2059,2062, Goldstein, L., 2013

Serotonin Syndrome Associated with Clozapine Withdrawal
JAMA Neurol 70:1054-1055, Stevenson, E.,et al, 2013

The Safety of Thoracentesis in Patients with Uncorrected Bleeding Risk
Ann Am Thoracic Soc 10:336-341, Puchalski, J.T.,et al, 2013

Sporadic Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy Revisited: Recent Insights Into Pathophysiology and Clinical Spectrum
JNNP 83:124-137, Charidimou,A.,et al, 2012

Severe Relapses under Fingolimod Treatment Prescribed after Natalizumab
Neurol 79:2004-2006,1942, Centonze, D.,et al, 2012

Multiple Sclerosis Rebound Following Herpes Zoster Infection and Suspension of Fingolimod
Neurol 79:2006-2007,1942, Gross, C.M.,et al, 2012

Management of Anticoagulation Before and After Elective Surgery Dec. 2012, Lip, G. & Douketis, J., 2012

Immune Reconstitution Inflammatory Syndrome in Patients With Multiple Sclerosis Following Cessation of Natalizumab Therapy
Arch Neurol 68:186-191, Miravalle,A.,et al, 2011

Dopamine Agonist Withdrawal Syndrome in Parkinson Disease
Arch Neurol 67:58-63, Rabinak,C. &Nirenberg,M., 2010

Neuromuscular Symptoms and Elevated Creatine Kinase After Statin Withdrawal
NEJM 362:564-565, Echaniz-Laguna,A.,et al, 2010

Zonisamide Discontinuation Due to Psychiatric and Cognitive Adverse Events: A Case-Control Study
Neurol 75:513-518, White,J.R., et al, 2010

Immunologic, Clinical, and Radiologic Status 14 Months After Cessation of Natalizumab Therapy
Neurol 72:396-401,392, Stuve,O.,et al, 2009

Postwithdrawal Rebound Increase in T2 Lesional Activity in Natalizumab-Treated MS Patients
Neurol 70:1150-1151,1073, Vellinga,M.M.,et al, 2008

Showing articles 0 to 39 of 39