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Vitamin B12 Deficiency:NICE Guideline Summary
BMJ 385:q1019, q1262, Sands,T.,et al, 2024

A 24-Year-Old Pregnant Woman with Headache and Behavioral Change Progressing to Coma
Neurol 101:e2331-e2337, Barnardes,C.,et al, 2023

Clinical Manifestations and Diagnosis of Listeria Monocytogenes Infection
UptoDate Aug, Gelfand, M.S.,et al, 2022

Spinal Muscular Atrophy
UpToDate, Oct, Bodamer,O.A., 2022

A 22-year-old postpartum woman with new-onset seizures and headache
Neurol 90:1631-1635, McGehrin, K.,et al, 2018

Diagnosis and Management of the Antiphospholipid Syndrome
NEJM 378:2010-2021, Garcia, D. & Erkan, D., 2018

Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome
NEJM 375:2468-2479, McQueen, K. & Murphy-Oikonen, J., 2016

Clinical manifestations and diagnosis of Listeria monocytogenes infection
www.UptoDate June, Gelfand, M.S., 2015

Subacute Sclerosing Panencephalitis, February, Auwaeter,P.G.&Johnson,R.T., 2013

Early Child Development and Exposure to Antiepileptic Drugs Prenatally and Through Breastfeeding
JAMA Neurol 70:1367-1374, Veiby, G.,et al, 2013

Variable Presentations of Postpartum Angiopathy
Stroke 43:670-676, Fugate,J.E.,et al, 2012

Cerebral Vein Thrombosis Misdiagnosed and Mismanaged
Thrombosis 2012:210676, Sasidharan, P.K., 2012

Diagnosis and Management of Cerebral Venous Thrombosis: A Statement for Healthcare Professionals From the American Heart Association/American Stroke Association
Stroke 42:1158-1192, Saposnik,G.,et al, 2011

Pathophysiology of Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic Purpura
Int J Hematol 91:1-30, Tsai, H.M., 2010

Cognitive Function at 3 Years of Age After Fetal Exposure to Antiepileptic Drugs
NEJM 360:1597-1605,1667, Meador,K.J.,et al, 2009

A 28-Year-Old Pregnant Woman with Encephalopathy
Neurol 73:e74-e79, Grinspan,Z.,et al, 2009

Cerebral Autosomal Dominant Arteriopathy With Subcortical Infarcts & Leukoencephalopathy (CADASIL)
UpToDate ( Aug 21, Dichgans,M.,et al., 2007

eMedicine (December), Arnold,G.L., 2007

Maternal Thyroid Deficiency During Pregnancy and Subsequent Neuropsychological Development of the Child
NEJM 341:549-555,601, Haddow,J.E.,et al, 1999

Carbon Monoxide Poisoning
NEJM 339:1603-1608, Ernst,A. & Zibrak,J. D., 1998

Management Issues for Women with Epilepsy,A Review of the Literature
Neurol 51:949-956, Zahn,C.A.,et al, 1998

Postpartum Coma and Death Due to Carbamoyl-Phosphate Synthetase I Deficiency
Ann Int Med 120:216-217, Wong,L-J.C.,et al, 1994

Neurodevelopment of Children Exposed In Utero to Phenytoin and Carbamazepine Monotherapy
JAMA 271:767-770, Scolnik,D.,et al, 1994

Fetal Alcohol Syndrome and Fetal Alcohol Effects
Comm of Substance Abuse & Comm on Children with Disabilitites, Pediatrics 91:1004-100693., , 1993

Mental Development of 2-Year-Old Children Exposed to Alcohol in Utero
J Pediatr 120:740-746, Autti-Ramo,I.,et al, 1992

Wilson Disease
Medicine 71:139-164, Brewer,G.J.&Yuzbasiyan-Gurkan,V., 1992

Perinatal Loss and Neurological Abnormalities Among Children of the Atomic Bomb
JAMA 264:605-609, 6221990., Yamazaki,J.N.&Schull,W.J., 1990

Natural History of the Fetal Alcohol Syndrome:A 10-Year Follow-Up of Eleven Patients
Lancet 2:85-91, Streissguth,A.P.,et al, 1985

Maternal Seizure Disorder, Outcome of Pregnancy, & Neurologic Abnormalities in the Children
Neurol 32:1247-1254, Nelson,K.B.,et al, 1982

Von Recklinghausen Neurofibromatosis
NEJM 305:1617-1627, Riccardi,V.M., 1981

Fetal Methylmercury Poisoning:Clinical & Toxicological Data on 29 Cases
Ann Neurol 7:348-353, Marsh,D.O.,et al, 1980

Maternal & Fetal Sequelae of Anticoagulation During Pregnancy
Am J Med 68:122-140, Hall,J.G.,et al, 1980

Tuberculous Meningitis in a Puerperal Woman
JAMA 244:2240, Brandstetter,R.D.,et al, 1980

Adverse Effects on Offspring of Maternal Alcohol Abuse During Pregnancy
NEJM 297:528, Ouellette,E.M.,et al, 1977

Sarcoidosis, Galactorrhea, & Amenorrhea:Two Autopsy Cases, One with Chiari-Frommel Syndrome
Ann Neurol 2:130, Brust,J.C.M.,et al, 1977

Abnormal Hemoglobin as a Cause of Neurolic Disease
Neurol 12:114, Greer,M.,et al, 1962

Neurologic Effects of Lightning & of Electricity
Lancet l:68, Critchley,M., 1934

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