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Clinicopath Conf
Subacute Sclerosing Panencephalitis, Case 15-1998, NEJM 338:1448-1456998., , 1998

Herpes Simplex Virus in Idiopathic Facial Paralysis (Bell Palsy)
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Postpartum Posterior Reversible Encephalopathy Syndrome Secondary to Preeclampsia and Cerebrospinal Fluid Leakage:A Case Report and Literature Review
World J Clin Cases 10:10332-10338, Wang,Y. & Zhang, Q., 2022

Clinical manifestations and diagnosis of Listeria monocytogenes infection
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Reversible Cerebral Vasoconstruction Syndromes
Arch Neurol 68:1005-1012,976, Singhal, A.B.,et al, 2011

Differential Diagnosis of Postpartum Headaches
Rev Mex Anest 32:Suppl1 S16-S23, MacArthur,A., 2009

Cerebral Venous Thrombosis: A Descriptive Multicenter Study of Patients in Pakistan and Middle East
Stroke 39:2707-2711, Khealani,B.,et al, 2008

Aspergillus Meningitis in Sri Lanka -- A Post-Tsunami Effect?
NEJM 356:754-756, Gunaratne,P.S.,et al, 2007

Emergent Headaches During Pregnancy: Correlation Between Neurologic Examination and Neuroimaging
AJNR 28:1085-1087, Ramchandren,S.,et al, 2007

Thrombosis of the Cerebral VEins and Sinuses
NEJM 352:1791-1798, Stam,J., 2005

Headaches in Pregnancy
Semin Neurol 8:187-192, Reik,L., 1988

Cortical Blindness & Homonymous Hemianopia in the Postpartum Period
JAMA 244:2085-2087, Beal,M.F.,et al, 1980

Normal Laboratory Values of CSF During Pregnancy
Arch Neurol 36:443, Davis,L.E., 1979

The Diagnosis & Natural History of Spinal Cord Arteriovenous Malformations
Mayo Clin Proc 51:637, Tobin,W.D.,et al, 1976

Cerebral Spinal Fluid Studies in Eclampsia
Am J OB Gyn 112:502, Fish,S.A.,et al, 1972

A 24-Year-Old Pregnant Woman with Headache and Behavioral Change Progressing to Coma
Neurol 101:e2331-e2337, Barnardes,C.,et al, 2023

A Pregnant Woman with Chin Numbness
Neurol 92:e996-e999, Arnold, A.J.,et al, 2019

A 22-year-old postpartum woman with new-onset seizures and headache
Neurol 90:1631-1635, McGehrin, K.,et al, 2018

Listeria infections in Neonates
Neoreviews 17:e515-e520, McKinney, J.S., 2016

Diagnosis and Management of Cerebral Venous Thrombosis: A Statement for Healthcare Professionals From the American Heart Association/American Stroke Association
Stroke 42:1158-1192, Saposnik,G.,et al, 2011

Bacterial Meningitis in the United States, 1998-2007
NEJM 364:2016-25, Thigpen, M.C.,et al, 2011

A 28-Year-Old Pregnant Woman with Encephalopathy
Neurol 73:e74-e79, Grinspan,Z.,et al, 2009

Neurosurgery and Pregnancy
JNNP 79:745-752, Ng,J. &Kitchen,N., 2008

Stroke in Pregnancy
Neurol Clin 22:821-840, Turan,T.N. &Stern,B.J., 2004

Practice Guidelines for the Use of Imaging in Transient Ischemic Attacks and Acute Stroke
Stroke 28:1480-1497, Culebras,A.,et al, 1997

Clinicopath Conf
Placental Vascular Thrombosis Due to Listeria Infection, Cerebral Embolism and Infarction, Case 15-1, 97EJM 336:1439-1446,1997., 1997

Myasthenia Gravis in Mothers and Their Newborns
Clin Obstet Gynecol 34:82-99, Plauche,W.C., 1991

Perinatal Loss and Neurological Abnormalities Among Children of the Atomic Bomb
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Cavernous Hemangioma of the Spinal Cord:Report of 2 Unusual Cases
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Lyme Disease & Its Neurologic Complications
Arch Neurol 45:99-104, Finkel,M.F., 1988

Ischemic Cerebrovascular Complications of Pregnancy
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Clinicopathological Conference
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Ruptured Aneurysm of the Spinal Artery of Adamkiewicz During Pregnancy
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Primary Cerebral Venous Thrombosis in Young Adults:The Diverse Mmanifestations of an Underrecognized Disease
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Superior Sagittal Sinus Thrombosis
Arch Neurol 34:2, Gettelfinger,D.M.,et al, 1977

Surgical Lesions Misdiagnosed as Multiple Sclerosis-Indication for Contrast Study
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Sexual Dysfunction in Neuro. Disease
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Abnormal Hemoglobin as a Cause of Neurolic Disease
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Diagnosis and Management of Cerebral Venous Thrombosis:A Scientific Statement From the American Heart Association
Stroke 55:e77-e90, Saposnik,G.,et al, 2024

Subarachnoid Hemmorhage During Pregnancy and Puerperium:A Population-Based Study
Stroke 54:198-207, Korhonen,A., et al, 2023

Cashew Nut Sign:A Concave Parenchymal Hemorrhage Caused by Cerebral Venous Thrombosis
Stroke 54:e38-e39, Schlechter,M.,et al, 2023

Cavernous Sinus Thrombosis
StatPearls PMID:28846357, Plewa,M.C.,et al, 2023

Cauda Equina Syndrome in the Third Trimester
BMJ 395:e078711, Ugas,M.A. & Ashkan,K., 2023

Spinal Muscular Atrophy
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Pregnancy in Patients with AQP4-Ab, MOG-Ab, or Double-Negative Neuromyelitis Optica Disorder
Neurol 96:e2006-e2015, Collongues, N.,et al, 2021

Cerebral Venous Thrombosis and Hypercoagulability Associated with In Vitro Fertilization
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Pneumorrhachis and Pneumothorax After Epidural Analgesia: A Case Report and Review
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Recurrent Cerebral Ischemia During Pregnancies
Neurol 95:e2453-e2457, Bulwa, Z.,et al, 2020

Brain Death, the Determination of Brain Death, and Member Guidance for Brain Death Accommodation Requests
Neurol 92:228-232, Russell, J.A.,et al, 2019

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