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Filter Applied: glutamic acid decarboxylase,antibody (Click to remove)

Recognizing Autoimmune-Mediated Encephalitis in the Differential Diagnosis of Limbic Disorders
AJNR 36:2196-2205, da Rocha, A.J.,et al, 2015

Autoimmune Epilepsy
Arch Neurol 69:582-593,565, Quek, A.M.L.,et al, 2012

Clinicopathological Conference, Glutamic Acid Decarborylase 65 Autoantibody-Associated Stiff-Person Syndrome
NEJM 390:1712-1719, Case 14-2024, 2024

Progressive Cerebellar Ataxia and New-Onset Diabetes
Lancet 383:186, Kong, M.,et al, 2014

Paediatric Autoimmune Encephalopathies: Clinical Features, Laboratory Investigations and Outcomes in Patients with or without Antibodies to known Central Nervous System Autoantigens
JNNP 84:748-755, Hacohen, Y.,et al, 2013

Non-Paraneoplastic Limbic Encephalitis Characterized by Mesio-Temporal Seizures and Extratemporal Lesions: A Case Report
Seizure 19:446-449, Cianci,V.,et al, 2010

Acute Limbic Encephalitis and Glutamic Acid Decarboxylase Antibodies:A Reality?
J Neurosci 287:69-71, Blanc,F.,et al, 2009

Treatment-Responsive Limbic Encephalitis Identified by Neuropil Antibodies: MRI and PET Correlates
Brain 128:1764-1777, Ances,B.M., et al, 2005

Autoantibodies to Glutamic Acid Decarboxylase in Downbeat Nystagmus
JNNP 74:998-999, Antonini,G.,et al, 2003

Cerebellar Ataxia With Anti-Glutamic Acid Decarboxylase Antibodies
Arch Neurol 58:225-230, Honorat,J.,et al, 2001

Anti-Glutamic Acid Decarboxylase Limbic Encephalitis Without Epilepsy Evolving Into Dementia with Cerebellar Ataxia
Arch Neurol 69:1064-1066, Mirabelli-Badenier, M.,et al, 2012

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