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Filter Applied: neoplasm,posterior fossa (Click to remove)

Ependymomas of the Posterior Cranial Fossa:CT and MRI Findings
Neuroradiology 37:238-243, Tortori-Donati,P.,et al, 1995

Case Record of MGH
Medulloblastoma Metastasizing to Subarachnoid Space, NEJM 295:5531976., , 1976

Bilateral Sixth Nerve Palsy
Arch Neurol 33:681, Keane,J.R., 1976

Acquired Sixth-Nerve Paresis in Children
Arch Ophthal 83:574-579, Robertson,D.M.,et al, 1970

CT and MRI Findings of Intracranial Lymphoma
AJR 184:1679-1685, Slone,H.W.,et al, 2005

Differential Diag of Proteinocytologic Dissociation
Laterre, E. C. In Handbook of Clin Neurol, Vinken PJ & Bruyn GW, Ed, North Holland Publ Co, 1975, Vo, 19, p 134., 1975

Tumors Involving the Brain-Stem
Quart J Med 21:265, Barnett,H.J.,et al, 1952

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