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Cholesterol Emboli Neuropathy
Neurol 42:428-430, Bendixen,B.H.,et al, 1992

Transeophageal Echocardiographic Detection of Aortic Arch Disease in Patients with Cerebral Infarction
Stroke 23:1005-1009, Amarenco,P.,et al, 1992

Cholesterol Embolism:Experience with 22 Histologically Proven Cases
Surgery 105:737-746, Dahlberg,P.J.,et al, 1989

Cholesterol Crystal Embolization:A Review of 221 Cases in the English Literature
Angiology 38:769-784, Fine,M.J.,et al, 1987

Case Record of MGH-NEJM Atheromatous Emboli to Brain
Kidney, 286:11461972., , 1972

Clinicopathologic Conference, Statin-Associated Autoimmune Myopathy
NEJM 381:275-283, Case 22-2019, 2019

Statin-Associated Autoimmune Myopathy
NEJM 374:664-669, Mammen, A.L., 2016

Mystery Case: A 63-year-old Man with Progressive Proximal Pain and Weakness
Neurol 82:e26-e29, Scripko, P.D.,et al, 2014

The Spectrum of Statin Myopathy
Curr Opin Rheumatol 25:747-752, Mohassel, P. & Mammen, A.L., 2013

Clinicopathologic Conference,Necrotizing Noninflammatory Myopathy Consistent with Exposure to Statins
NEJM 36:944-954, Case 7-2012, 2012

Statin Induced Myopathy
BMJ 337:1159-1162, Sathasivam,S. &Lecky,B., 2008

Statin-Associated Myopathy With Normal Creatine Kinase Levels
Ann Int Med 137:581-585,617, Phillips,P.S.,et al, 2002

Clinicopath Conf
Emery-Dreifus Muscular Dystrophy, NEJM 327:548-5571992., , 1992

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