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Clinicopatholigic Conference, Rheumatoid Arthritis with Vasculitis Causing A Confluent Mononeuritis Multiplex
NEJM 390:1312-1322, Case 11-2024, 2024

Clinicopathologic Conference, Borrelia Miyamotoi Infection
NEJM 383:1578-1586, Case 32-2020, 2020

Reversible Corpus Callosum Lesion in Legionnaires Disease
JNNP 75:651-654, Morgan, J.C.,et al, 2004

Clinicopath Conf:Lymphoplasmocytic Lymphoma with Motor Neuronopathy,Waldenstrom's Macroglobulinemia
NEJM 340:1661-1669, , 1999

Congenital Muscular Dystrophy Syndromes Distinguished by Alkaline and Acid Phosphatase, Merosin, & Dystrophin Staining
Neurol 46:810-814, Connolly,A.M.,et al, 1996

Congenital Muscular Dystrophy
J Pediatr 115:214-221, Leyten,Q.H.,et al, 1989

Central Nervous System Manifestations of Periarteritis Nodosa
Neurol 15:114, Ford,R.G.,et al, 1965

Clinicopathologic Conference, Myasthenia Gravis
NEJM 391:1441-1450, Case 32-2024, 2024

Clinicopathologic Conference, Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Meningitis
NEJM 384:166-176, Case 1-2021, 2021

An Unusual Case of Acute Psychosis and Tetraparesis in a Young Zambian Man
Neurol 97:1002-1005, Zimba, S.,et al, 2021

Clinicopathologic Conference, Human Herpesvirus 6-Related Meningoencephalitis
NEJM 378:659-669, Case 5-2018, 2018

A young woman with symmetric weakness and behavioral disturbance
Neurol 90:e1442-e1447, Rosenberg, J.,et al, 2018

Clinicopathologic Conference, Granulomatous Amebic Encephalitis and Sarcoidosis (Inactive)
NEJM 376:368-379, Case 3-2017, 2017

Man with Recurrent Paralysis and Cerebral White Matter Lesions
JAMA Neurol 74:599-600, Xiao, F., 2017

Clinical Pathologic Conference, West Nile Virus Encephalitis
NEJM 377:1878-1886, Case 34-2017, 2017

Clinicopathologic Conference, Copper Deficiency Myelopathy
NEJM 377:1977-1984, Case 35-2017, 2017

Clinical Manifestations of Myasthenia Gravis
UptoDate Aug 2016, Bird, S.J., 2016

Clinicopathologic Conference, Infective Endocarditis and Infectious Aortitis due to Staphylococcus Aureus
NEJM 370:651-660, Case 5-2014, 2014

A 20-year-old Woman with Rapidly Progressive Weakness
Neurol 82:e200-e204, Paganoni, S.,et al, 2014

Clincopathologic Conference,Graves Disease with Thyrotoxic Periodic Paralysis
NEJM 366:553-560, Case 4-2012, 2012

Clinicopathologic Conference, Acute Ischemic Stroke due to Basilar Artery Embolism. Patent Foramen Ovale
NEJM 367:1450-1460, Case 31-2012, 2012

Clinical and Genetic Spectrum of Mitochondrial Neurogastrointestinal Encephalomyopathy
Brain 134:3326-3332, Garone, C.,et al, 2011

Delirious Deficiency
Lancet 376:1362, Olsen,R.Q &Regis,J.T., 2010

Multiple Bilateral Non-Hemorrhagic Cerebral Infarctions Associated with Microscopic Polyangiitis
Clin Neurol Neurosurg 111:904-906, Ku, B. & Shin, H., 2009

Woke Up Paralysed--Without Injury or Stroke
Lancet 371:870, Bawaskar,H.S. &Bawaskar,P.H., 2008

Acute Intermittent Porphyria Presenting as Acute Pancreatitis and Posterior Reversible Encephalopathy Syndrome
Acta Neurol Taiwan 17:177-183, Shen, F.,et al, 2008

Clinicopath Conf, Acute Myelogenous Leukemia Presenting as Meningitis
NEJM 352:274-283, Case 2-2005, 2005

Does This Patient Have Myasthenia Gravis?
JAMA 293:1906-1914, Scherer,K.,et al, 2005

Clinicopath Conf., Cerebral Venous Thrombosis, Resulting in Hemorrhagic Infarction of the Posterior Left Temporal Lobe
NEJM 346:1651-1658, Case 16-2002, 2002

West Nile Virus: A Primer for the Clinician
Ann Int Med 137:173-179, Petersen,L.R. &Marfin,A.A., 2002

Guillain-Barre Syndrome
Lancet 352:635-641, Hahn,A.F., 1998

Hypophosphatemia-Induced Neuropathy: Clinical and Electrophysiologic Findings
Muscle Nerve 21:650-652, Siddiqui,M.F. &Bertorini,T.E., 1998

Polyarteritis Nodosa-Induced Quadriplegia
Ann Int MEd 122:731-732, Smith,D.L.,et al, 1995

Neurological Paraneoplastic Syndromes in Patients with Small Cell Lung Cancer, A Prospective Survey of 150 Pts
JNNP 54:764-767, Elrington,G.M.,et al, 1991

The Chronic Fatigue Syndrome-One Entity or Many?
NEJM 319:1726-1728, Swartz,M.N., 1989

Thyrotoxic Periodic Paralysis
Arch Int Med 149:2597-2600, Kelley,D.E.,et al, 1989

The Lambert-Eaton Myasthenic Syndrome, A Review of 50 Cases
Brain 111, 577-5961988., O'Neill,J.H.,et al, 1988

Relapsing Ophthalmoparesis-Sensory Neuropathy Syndrome
Neurol 35:595-596, Kaplan,J.G.,et al, 1985

Bilateral Scalp Necrosis in Temporal Arteritis
Am J Med 61:541, Soderstrom,C.W.,et al, 1976

Case Records of MGH-NEJM 289:628
1973 Necrotizing Giant Cell Arteritis., , 1973

Showing articles 0 to 40 of 40