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Clinicopath Conference, Cryptococcosis With Cryptococcal Meningitis in Liver Allograft Recipient
NEJM 358:1604-1613, Case 11-2008, 2008

Monkeypox-Associated Central Nervous System Disease:A Case Series and Review
Ann Neurol 93:893-905, Money,K.M.,et al, 2023

Clnicopathologic Conference Anti-N-Methyl-D-Aspartate (NMDA) Receptor Encephalitis
NEJM 379:870-878, CASE 27-2018, 2018

Mycoplasma Pneumoniae Infection May Cause Striatal Lesions Leading to Acute Neurologic Dysfunction
Neurol 43:2150-2151, Saitoh,S.,et al, 1993

Paraneoplastic Calmodulin Kinase-Like Vesicle-Associated Protein (CAMKV) Autoimmune Encephalitis
Ann Neurol 96:21-33, Gilligan,M.,et al, 2024

A 23-Year-Old Man with Headaches, Confusion, and Lower Extremity Weakness
Neurol 92:863-867, Patel, N.M.,et al, 2019

Recurrent Dysarthria and Ataxia in a Young Girl
JAMA Neurol 75:125-126, Romba, M.,et al, 2018

Emerging Cases of Powassan Virus Encephalitis in New England:Clinical Presentation, Imaging, and Review of the Literature
CID 62:707-713, Piantadosi,A.,et al, 2016

Early-Onset Stroke and Vasculopathy Associated with Mutations in ADA2
NEJM 370:911-920, Zhou, Q.,et al, 2014

A Woman with Subacute Progressive Confusion and Gait Instability
Neurol 83 ;e62-e67, Martinez-Thompson, J.M.,et al, 2014

Clinicopathologic Conference, Cerebral Granulomatosis with Polyangiitis
NEJM 371:162-173, Case 21-2014, 2014

Subacute Sclerosing Panencephalitis, February, Auwaeter,P.G.&Johnson,R.T., 2013

Neurologic Manifestations of E Coli infection - induced Hemolytic-Uremic Syndrome in Adults
Neurol 79:1466-1473, Weissenborn, K.,et al, 2012

Clinicopathologic Conference, Susacs Syndrome (retinocochleocerebral vasculopathy)
NEJM 365:549-559, Case 24-2011, 2011

Clinicopath Conf, Infantile Krabbe Disease
NEJM 362:346-356, Case 3-2010, 2010

Bilateral Thalamic Lesions
AJR 192:W53-W62, Smith,A.B.,et al, 2009

Poststreptococcal Dystonia With Bilateral Striatal Enlargement: MR Imaging and Spectroscopic Findings
AJNR 29:1276-1278, Kendi,A.T.K.,et al., 2008

Voltage-gated Potassium Channel Antibody-Associated Encephalitis with Basal Ganglia Lesions
Neurol 66:1780-1781, Hiraga,A.,et al, 2006

Voltage-Gated Potassium Channel Antibody-Associated Encephalitis with Basal Ganglia Lesions
Neurol 66:1780-1781, Hiraga,A., et al, 2006

Rabies Encephalomyelitis
Arch Neurol 62:873-882,855, Burton,E.C.,et al, 2005

Unusual Presentation of Central Nervous System Cryptococcal Infection in an Immunocompetent Patient
AJNR 26:2522-2526, Saigal,G.,et al, 2005

Bilateral Striatal Necrosis Associated with Mycoplasma pneumoniae Infection
NEJM 348:720, van Vuiren,M. &Uhl,M., 2003

Encephalitis lethargica syndrome:20 new cases and evidence of basal ganglia autoimmunity
Brain 127, 21-33, Dale, R.C., et al, 2003

Adult-Onset Subacute Sclerosing Panecephalitis:Case Reports and Review of the Literature
Mov Dis 12:342-353, Singer,C.,et al, 1997

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