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Paraneoplastic Calmodulin Kinase-Like Vesicle-Associated Protein (CAMKV) Autoimmune Encephalitis
Ann Neurol 96:21-33, Gilligan,M.,et al, 2024

MR Imaging of the Brain in Neurologic Wilson Disease
AJNR 40:178-183, Yu, X.-E.,et al, 2019

Clnicopathologic Conference Anti-N-Methyl-D-Aspartate (NMDA) Receptor Encephalitis
NEJM 379:870-878, CASE 27-2018, 2018

Delayed-Onset MRI Findings in Acute Chorea Related to Anoxic Brain Injury
Clin Imaging 48:22-25, Ghasemi, M.,et al, 2018

Subacute Sclerosing Panencephalitis, February, Auwaeter,P.G.&Johnson,R.T., 2013

Delayed Onset of Progressive Chorea After Acute Basal Ganglia Injury
Mov Disord 28:585-587, Virmani, T.,et al, 2013

Acute Bilateral Basal Ganglia Lesions and Chorea in a Diabetic-Uremic Patient on Dialysis
Arch Neurol 67:246-247, Yaltho,T.C.,et al, 2010

MRI in Methylmalonic Acidemia
Neurol 74:e14, Bindu, P.S.,et al, 2010

Encephalitis lethargica syndrome:20 new cases and evidence of basal ganglia autoimmunity
Brain 127, 21-33, Dale, R.C., et al, 2003

Hypoxic-Ischemic Damage of the Basal Ganglia
Mov Disord 5:219-224, Hawker, K. & Lang, A.E., 1990

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