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Mirror-Writing & Reversed Repetition of Digits in a Right-Handed Patient with Left Basal Ganglia Haematoma
JNNP 50:786-788, Chia,L.&Kinsbourne,M., 1987

Mirror Writing: Neurological Reflections on an Unusual Phenomenon
JNNP 78:5-13, Schott,G.D., 2007

Mirror Writing, Left-Handedness, and Leftward Scripts
Arch Neurol 61:1849-1851, Schott,G.D. &Schott,J.M., 2004

Left-Handed Mirror Writing Following Right Anterior Cerebral Artery Infarction
Neurol 38:59-63, Chan,J.L.&Ross,E.D., 1988

Cerebral Lateralization, Biological Mechanisms, Associations, & Pathology:II
Arch Neurol 42:521-552, Geschwind,N.&Galaburda,A.M., 1985

Mirror-reading & Writing in Association with Right-left Spatial Disorientation
JNNP 43:774-780, Heilman,K.M.,et al, 1980

Mirror Writing & Hemiplegia
Percept & Motor Skills 32:617971., Paradowski,W.,et al, 1971

Cerebral Dominance & Its Disturbances
Ped Clin North Am 15:759-769, Benson,D.F.,et al, 1968

Mirror Writing
Postgrad Med 38:469, Trueman,R.H., 1965

Mirror Writing (Book)
Psyche Miniatures Med. Series1928., Critchley,M., 1928

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