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In Patients with Melanoma Brain Metastases, is Combination Immune Checkpoint Inhibition a Safe and Effective First-Line Treatment? A Critically Appraised Topic
Neurologist 27:290-297, Gritsch, D.,et al, 2022

Combined Nivolumab and Ipilimumab in Melanoma Metastatic to the Brain
NEJM 379:722-730,789, Tawbi, H.A.,et al, 2018

Mycophenolate Mofetil in Multiple Sclerosis: A Multicentre Retrospective Study on 344 Patients
JNNP 85:279-283,246, Michel, L.,et al, 2014

The use of rituximab in myasthenia gravis and Lambert--Eaton myasthenic syndrome
JNNP 82:671-673, Maddison, P.,et al, 2011

Use and monitoring of low dose rituximab in myasthenia gravis
JNNP 82:659-663, Blum, S., et al, 2011

Efficacy and Safety of Mitoxantrone in Patients with Highly Relapsing Neuromyelitis Optica
Arch Neurol 68:473-479, Kim, S.H.,et al, 2011

Randomized Trial of Oral Teriflunomide for Relapsing Multiple Sclerosis
NEJM 365:1293-1303, OConnor, P.,et al, 2011

A Placebo-Controlled Trial of Oral Cladribine for Relapsing Multiple Sclerosis
NEJM 362:416-426, 456, Giovannoni,G.,et al, 2010

Open Biopsy in Patients With Acute Progressive Neurologic Decline and Absence of Mass Lesion
Neurol 75:419-424, Schuette,A.J., et al, 2010

Treatment of CNS Sarcoidosis with Infliximab and Mycophenolate Mofetil
Neurol 72:337-340, Morovan,M. &Segal,B.M., 2009

Reduction of Disease Activity and Disability With High-Dose Cyclophosphamide in Patients With Aggressive Multiple Sclerosis
Arch Neurol 65:1044-1051, Krishnan,C.,et al., 2008

Assessment: The Use of Natalizumab (Tysabri) for the Treatment of Multiple Sclerosis (An Evidence-Based Review): Report of the Therapeutics and Technology Assessment Subcommittee of the American Academy of Neurology
Neurol 71:766-773, Goodin,D.S.,et al., 2008

Immunosuppressant Drugs for Myasthenia Gravis
JNNP 80:5-6, Hart,I.K.,et al, 2008

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