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Impact of Thalamic Hematoma on Six-Month Mortality and Motor and Cognitive Functional Outcome
Stroke 26:620-626, Mori,S.,et al, 1995

Clinicopath Conf
Cerebral Vasculitis Involving Small Vessels, Consistent with Cocaine, Cerebral Hemorrhage, Case 27-1, 93, 329:117-122,1993., 1993

Cerebrovascular Complications of Primary Herpes Varicella-Zoster Infection
Editorial, Lancet 339:1449-14501992., , 1992

Delayed-onset Posthemiplegic Dystonia:CT Demonstration of Basal Ganglia Pathology
Neurol 32:1033-1035, Grimes,J.D.,et al, 1982

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