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Age and High-Dose Methotrexate are Associated to Clinical Acute Encephalopathy in FRALLE 93 Trial for Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia in Children
Leukemia 21:238-247, Dufourg, M.N.,et al, 2007

Herpes Zoster-Associated Encephalitis:Clinicopathologic Report of 12 Cases and Review of the Literature
Medicine 62:81-95, Jemsek,J.,et al, 1983

A Woman with Headache, Hemiplegia, and Recent Toothache
BMJ 372:n10, Yuen, J. & Muquit, S., 2021

Mills Syndrome
Neurol 87:e54, Porto, F.H.G.,et al, 2016

Clinical and Radiological Characteristics of Methotrexate-Induced Acute Encephalopathy in Pediatric Patients with Cancer
Ann Oncol 19:178-184, Inaba, H.,et al, 2008

Hemiplegic ALS:Mills Syndrome
Neurol 64:1984-1985, Rajabally,Y.A.,et al, 2005

Angiography-Negative Primary Central Nervous System Vasculitis in Children
Arthritis Rheum 52:2159-2167, Benseler, S.M.,et al, 2005

Prevention of Shoulder Subluxation After Stroke with Electrical Stimulation
Stroke 30:963-968, Linn,S.L.,et al, 1999

Posterior Cerebral Artery Syndromes
, Caplan,L.R. &Bogousslavsky,J., 1998

The Shoulder-Hand Syndrome after Stroke:A Prospective Clinical Trial
Ann Neurol 36:728-733, Braus,D.F.,et al, 1994

Clinicopath Conf
Cerebral Vasculitis Involving Small Vessels, Consistent with Cocaine, Cerebral Hemorrhage, Case 27-1, 93, 329:117-122,1993., 1993

Toxoplasma Encephalitis in Patients with the Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome
Medicine 71:224-239, Renold,C.,et al, 1992

Antiphospholipid Antibody Syndrome
JAMA 268:1451-1453, Lockshin,M.D., 1992

Clinicopath Conf
CA of Lung, DIC, Marantic Endocarditis, Multiple CVA's, Case 36-1991, NEJM 325:714-726., , 1991

Alternating Hemiplegia of Childhood
Int Pediatr 2:115-119, Aicardi,J., 1987

Cerebral Venous Thrombosis-A Review of 38 Cases
Stroke 16:199-213, Bousser,M.,et al, 1985

Central Nervous System Infections Associated with Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telangiectasia
Am J Med 77:86-92, Press,O.L.W.,et al, 1984

Pituitary Apoplexy Producing Internal Carotid Artery Occlusion
J Neurosurg 47:599-604, Rosenbaum,T.J.,et al, 1977

Neurologic Complications of Endocarditis in Persons Taking Drugs Intravenously
West J Med 124:276, Openshaw,H., 1976

Systemic Embolism In Chronic Sinoatrial Disorder
NEJM 295:190, Fairfax,A.J.,et al, 1976

Neurologic Complications After Treatment for Whipple's Disease:A Report of Four Patients
Medicine 55:467, Knox,D.L.,et al, 1976

Neurologic Manifest. of Infective Endocarditis:A Review
Stroke 4:958, Greenlee,J.E.,et al, 1973

Neurologic Manifestations of Bacterial Endocarditis
Ann Int Med 71:21, Jones,H.,et al, 1969

The Neurologist's Experience with Pheochromocytoma
JAMA 197:100, Thomas,J.E.,et al, 1966

The Neurological Sequelae of Electrical Injury
Can Med Assn J 91:195, Silversides,J., 1964

Abnormal Hemoglobin as a Cause of Neurolic Disease
Neurol 12:114, Greer,M.,et al, 1962

Hysterical Hemiplegia and Hemianesthesia
Postgrad Med 31:339-345, Magee,K.R., 1962

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