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Biopsy Negative Giant Cell Arteritis - Revised Diagnostic Criteria
J Stroke Cerebrovasc Dis 31:106660, Finelli, P.F., 2022

Neuromyelitis Optica Spectrum Disorder
NEJM 387:631-639, Wingerchuk, D.M. & Lucchinetti, C.F., 2022

Guillain-Barre Syndrome Associated with SARS-CoV-2
NEJM 382:2574-2576, Tuscano, G.,et al, 2020

Imaging Review of Paraneoplastic Neurologic Syndromes
AJNR 41:2176-2187, Madhavan, A.A.,et al, 2020

Reversible Cerebral Vasoconstriction Syndrome
Stroke 50:2253-2258, Burton, T.M. & Bushnell, C.D., 2019

Rapid and Sensitive RT-QuIC Detection of Human Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease Using Cerebrospinal Fluid
mBio 6:e02451-14, Orru,C.D.,et al, 2015

Accuracy of Diffusion-Weighted Imaging in the Diagnosis of Stroke in Patients with Suspected Cerebral Infarct
Stroke 44:1169-1171, Brunser, A.M.,et al, 2013

Diagnosing Cerebral Aneuryms by Computed Tomographic Angiography: Meta-Analysis
Ann Neurol 69:646-654, Menke, J.,et al, 2011

Clinicopath Conference, Giant Cell Arteritis
NEJM 362:537-546, Case 4-2010, 2010

The Case Against Confirmatory Tests for Determining Brain Death in Adults
Neurol 75:77-83, Wijdicks,E.F.M., 2010

Pediatric Encephalitis: What Is the Role of Mycoplasma Pneumoniae
Pediatrics 120:305-313, Christie,L.J., et al, 2007

SPECT Thallium-201 Combined with Toxoplasma Serology for the Presumptive Diagnosis of Focal Central Nervous System Mass Lesions in Patients with AIDS
J Inf 40:274-281, Skiest, D.J.,et al, 2000

IgG4-Related Orbital Inflammation, Oct, Chelnis,J. & Gervasio,K.A., 2023

Vision Loss in Giant Cell Arteritis
Pract Neurol 22:138-140, Donaldson, L. & Margolin, E., 2022

Negative CT Angiography Findings in Patients with Spontaneous Subarachnoid Hemorrhage: When is Digital Subtraction Angiography Still Needed?
AJNR 31:695-705, Agid,R., et al, 2010

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