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Clinicopathologic Conference, Encephalitis due to Behcets Disease
NEJM 387:925-933, Case 27-2022, 2022

Chronic Meningitis
NEJM 385:930-936, Aksamit, A.J., 2021

A Woman in Her 60s with Chronic Meningitis from Aspergillus
JAMA Neurol 74:348-352, Pichler, M.R.,et al, 2017

Clinicopathologic Conference Cryptococcal Meningitis in a Patient with Chronic HIV Infection
NEJM 376:1065-1071, Case 8-2017, 2017

A Woman in her 40s with Headache and New-Onset Seizures
JAMA Neurol 74:476-480, Graham, M.S.,et al, 2017

Clinical Manifestations and Evaluation of Adults with Suspected Native Valve Endocarditis
UpToDate Feb, Sexton, D.J. & Fowler,Jr., V.G., 2016

Spectrum of Imaging Appearances of Intracranial Cryptococcal Infection in HIV/AIDS Patients in the Anti-Retroviral Therapy Era
Clin Radiol 71:9-17, Offiah, C.E. & Naseer, A., 2016

Nocardiosis of the Central Nervous System
Medicine 93:19-32, Anagnostou, T.,et al, 2014

Brain Abscess
NEJM 371:447-456, Brouwer, M.C.,et al, 2014

Human Herpes 6 Virus Encephalitis Complicating Allogeneic Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation
Neurol 80:1494-1500, Bhanushali, M.,et al, 2013

Aspergillus Meningitis: A Rare Clinical Manifestation of Central Nervous System Aspergillosis
J Infect 66:218-238, Antinori, S.,et al, 2013

Fatal Cryptococcal Meningitis in a Patient with Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia
Mediterr J Hematol Infect Dis doi 10.4084/MJHID.2012,039, Dizdar,O.S.,et al, 2012

Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy Related Inflammation: Three Case Reports and a Review
JNNP 82:20-26, Chung,K.K.,et al, 2011

Central Nervous System Infection with Listeria Monocytogenes
Medicine 77:313-316, Mylonakis,E.,et al, 1998

Cytomegalovirus Encephalitis
Ann Int Med 125:577-578, Arribas,J.R.,et al, 1996

Chronic Candidal Meningitis: An Uncommon Manifestation of Candidiasis
Clin Inf Dis 19:60-66, Voice, R.A.,et al, 1994

Acute Bacterial Meningitis in Adults, A Review of 493 Episodes
NEJM 328:21-28, Durand,M.L.,et al, 1993

Clinicopath Conf
Leukemia, Mycotic Aneurysm, Asperigillosis, Subarachnoid Hemorrhage, Fungal Intracran Aneurysm, Case, 7-198M 319:427-440,1988., 1988

Central Nervous System Infections in Patients with Cancer
Medicine 52:563, Chernik,N.L.,et al, 1973

Clinical Manifestations and Diagnosis of Listeria Monocytogenes Infection
UptoDate Aug, Gelfand, M.S.,et al, 2022

Neurobrucellosis:The Great Mimicker
Rev Soc Bras Med Trop 55:e0567-e2012, Soares,C.N.,et al, 2022

Clinicopathologic Conference, Listeria Monocytogenes Bacteremia Resulting in Fetal Loss
NEJM 385:265-274, Case 21-2021, 2021

An Unexpected Response to Therapy in a Patient with HIV and Focal Seizures
Neurol 97:1084-1089, Chishimba, L.,et al, 2021

Brainstem Encephalitis. The Role of Imaging in Diagnosis
Curr Prob Diag Radiol 50:946-960, Sotoudeh,H.,et al, 2021

Clinicopathologic Conference, HIV Type 2 Infection & Cerebral Toxoplasmosis
NEJM 383:859-866, Case 27-2020, 2020

A Patient with a History of Weight Loss Presenting with Seizures
Neurol 95:e2038-e2042, Tang, G. & Benavides, D.R., 2020

Clinicopathologic Conference, Borrelia Miyamotoi Infection
NEJM 383:1578-1586, Case 32-2020, 2020

A 73-Year-Old Man with Recurrent Aphasia, Headaches, and Confusion
Neurol 95:e2595-e2599, Bose, G.,et al, 2020

Clinicopathologic conference, Cryptococcal meningoencephalitis and advanced HIV infection
NEJM 383:2572-2580, Case 40-2020, 2020

Clinicopathologic Conference, Adenovirus Meningoencephalitis
NEJM 381:1459-1470, Case 31-2019, 2019

Clinical Manifestations and Diagnosis of Nocardiosis
UptoDate May, Spelman, D., 2019

Central Nervous System Infections Due to Coccidioidomycosis
J Fungi 5:2-12, Jackson, N.R.,et al, 2019

Clinicopathologic Conference, Human Herpesvirus 6-Related Meningoencephalitis
NEJM 378:659-669, Case 5-2018, 2018

Acute Viral Encephalitis
NEJM 379:357-366, Tyler,K.L., 2018

Clinical Pathologic Conference, West Nile Virus Encephalitis
NEJM 377:1878-1886, Case 34-2017, 2017

Rapid Multifocal Neurologic Decline in an Immunocompromised Patient
JAMA Neurol 73:226-231, Kromm, J.A.,et al, 2016

Infective Endocarditis
Lancet 387:882-893, Cahill, T.J. & Prendergast, B.D., 2016

Herpes Simplex Encephalitis in an Immunocompromised Adult with Novel MRI and Pathology Findings
Clin Neuroradiol DOI: 10.1007/s00062-016-0536-x, Modak, J.,et al, 2016

A 57-year-old Woman with Ataxia and Oscillopsia
Neurol 87:e61-e64, Bradshaw, M.J.,et al, 2016

Candida Infections of the Central Nervous System
UptoDate Jan, Kauffman, C.A., 2016

Chronic Herpes Simplex Type-1 Encephalitis with Intractable Epilepsy in an Immunosuppressed Patient
Infection 44:121-125, Laohathai, C.,et al, 2016

Clinical manifestations and diagnosis of Listeria monocytogenes infection
www.UptoDate June, Gelfand, M.S., 2015

Clinical Characteristics and Outcome of Brain Abscess
Neurol 82:806-813, Brouwer, M.C.,et al, 2014

Infections of the Nervous System, (Bacterial, Fungal, Spirochetal, Parasitic) and Sarcoidosis, Listeria Monocytogenes
Adams & Victors Principles of Neurology, Chp 32, pg 709, Ropper, A.H.,et al, 2014

Target Sign on Enhanced MR Imaging in Toxoplasmosis
Conn Med 77:343-344, Finelli, P.F. & Al Zahmi, F., 2013

Central Nervous System Aspergillosis
Medicine 91:328-336, Kourkoumpetis, T.,et al, 2012

Spontaneous Regression of an Intracerebral Lymphoma (ghost tumor) in a Liver-Engrafted Patient
The Neurologist 17:218-221, Korner, S.,et al, 2011

Progressive Multifocal Leukoencephalopathy in Transplant Recipients
Ann Neurol 70:305-322, Mateen, F.J.,et al, 2011

Primary Central Nervous System T-Cell Lymphoma of the Brain
Open Neurosurg J 4:62-65, Behbahami, M. & Lyons, M., 2011

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