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Filter Applied: basal ganglia,lesion,bilateral (Click to remove)

Spectrum of Neuroradiologic Findings Associated with Monogenic Interferonopathies
AJNR 43:2-10, Benjamin, P.,et al, 2022

Fulminant Encephalopathy with Unusual Brain Imaging in Disulfiram Toxicity
Neurol 90:518-519, Peddawad, D.,et al, 2018

The Lentiform Fork Sign
Neurol 84: e15, Fernandes, G.C.,et al, 2015

Swiss Cheese Striatum
Neurohosp doi:1941874415586193, Finelli, P.F., 2015

Differential Diagnosis of Bilateral Abnormalities of the Basal Ganglia and Thalamus
RadioGraphics 31:5-30, Hegde,A.N.,et al, 2011

Bilateral Basal Ganglia Lesions in Patients with End-Stage Diabetic Nephropathy
Nephrology 13:68-72, Li, J.,et al, 2008

The Syndrome of Bilateral Basal Ganglia Lesions in Diabetic Uremic Patients Presenting with a Relapsing and Remitting Course: A Case Report
Acta Neurol Taiwan 16:226-230, Sheu, Y.,et al, 2007

Acute Reversible Hemi-Parkinsonism for a Diabetic Uremic Patient: Findings from MRI, MRS, FDG-PET, 99m Tc-TRODAT-1 SPECT, and TMS Studies
Ann Nucl Med Sci 20:51-57, Cheng, S.,et al, 2007

CT and MR Imaging Findings in Methanol Intoxication
AJNR 27:452-454, Blanco,M.,et al, 2006

Bilateral Basal Gaglionic Hemorrhage
Arch Neurol 63:464, Verma,A., 2006

West Nile Virus: Case Report with MR Imaging Findings
AJNR 24:1376-1378, Rosas,H. & Wippold,F.J. II, 2003

Diagnostic Approach in Patients with Symmetric Imaging Lesions of the Deep Gray Nuclei
The Neurologist 9:250-261, Finelli,P.F.&DiMario,Jr,F.J., 2003

Lead Encephalopathy: CT and MR Findings
J Comput Assist Tomogr 26:479-481, Tuzun,M.,et al, 2002

Diffusion-Weighted MR in Hypoglycemic Coma
Neurol 57:933-935, Finelli,P.F., 2001

Bilteral Caudate Infarct--A Case Report
Ann Acad Med Singapore 28:569-571, Lim,J.K.H., 1999

Juvenile Huntington Disease:CT and MR Features
AJNR 16:1405-1412, Ho,V.B.,et al, 1995

MR Findings in Methanol Intoxication
AJNR 16:1783-1786, Gaul,H.P.,et al, 1995

Delayed Postanoxic Encephalopathy after Strangulation, Serial Neuroradiological & Neurochemical Studies
Arch Neurol 48:871-874, Hori,A.,et al, 1991

Bilateral Symmetric Caudate Hemorrhage
Neurol 41:1157-1158, Bertol,V.,et al, 1991

Putaminal Hemorrhage:Clinical-Computed Tomographic Correlations
Neuroradiology 32:200-206, Weisberg,L.A.,et al, 1990

Hypoxic-Ischemic Damage of the Basal Ganglia
Mov Disord 5:219-224, Hawker, K. & Lang, A.E., 1990

Neurobehavioral Changes Associated with Caudate Lesions
Neurol 39:349-354, Mendez,M.F.,et al, 1989

Leigh Disease:Value of CT in Presymptomatic Patients and Variability of the Lesions with Time
J Comput Assist Tomogr 13:207-210, Taccone,A.,et al, 1989

Leigh Disease (Subacute Necrotizing Encephalomyelopathy) :CT & MR in Five Cases
J Comput Assist Tomogr 12:40-44, Geyer,C.A.,et al, 1988

Progressive Dystonia with Bilateral Putaminal Hypodensities
Arch Neurol 44:1184-1187, Berkovic,S.F.,et al, 1987

Neurological Syndrome Following Bilateral Damage to the Head of the Caudate Nuclei
Ann Neurol 22:768-771, Richfield,E.K.,et al, 1987

A Case of Parkinsonism Following Striatal Lacunar Infarction
JNNP 49:1087-1088, Friedman,A.,et al, 1986

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