Should Statins be Paused or Discontinued After Thrombolysis or Acute Intracerebral Hemorrhage? No!
Stroke 44:1472-1476, Scheitz, J.F.,et al, 2013
Statin Therapy should not be Discontinued in Patients with Intracerebral Hemorrhage
Stroke 44:2060-2061,2062, Bustamante, A. & Montaner, J., 2013
Statin Therapy should be Discontinued in Patients with Intracerebral Hemorrhage
Stroke 44:2058-2059,2062, Goldstein, L., 2013
Statin Use During Ischemic Stroke Hospitalization is Strongly Associated with Improved Poststroke Survival
Stroke 43:147-154, Flint, A.C.,et al, 2012
Withdrawal of Antithrombotic Agents and Its Impact on Ischemic Stroke Occurence
Stroke 42:2509-2514, Broderick, J.,et al, 2011