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Neurologic Manifestations of Progressive Systemic Sclerosis, 1972
Nebraska Med J 58:106, Aita,J.A., 1973

A 64-Year-Old Man with Multiple Cranial Neuropathies
Neurol 97:e215-e221, Lefland, A.,et al, 2021

Orbital Apex Syndrome
NEJM 378:18, Sacks. C.A., 2018

Numb Chin Syndrome Sept, Robertson, C.E., 2018

Neuro-Ophthalmic Manifestations of Sarcoidosis. Clincal Spectrum, Evaluation and Management
J Neuroophthalmol 21:132-137, Frohman,L.P,et al, 2001

Preliminary Results of Linear Accelerator Radiosurgery for Acoustic Schwannomas
J Neurosurg 85:1013-1019, Mendenhall,W.M.,et al, 1997

Neuritis of the Ophthalmic Branch of the Trigeminal Nerve as Isolated Manifestation of Leptomeningeal Carcinomatosis
Ann Neurol 28:842, Leon,R., 1990

Visualization of Isolated Trigeminal Nerve Invasion by Lymphoma Using Gadolinium-Enhanced MRI
Neuroradiology 32:531-532, Manon-Espaillat,R.,et al, 1990

Isolated Facial Numbness
Ann Int Med 80:49, Horowitz,S., 1974

Central Nervous System Manifestations of Periarteritis Nodosa
Neurol 15:114, Ford,R.G.,et al, 1965

Anaesthesia of the Lower Lip
Br Dent Jour 113:423, Seward,M.H.E., 1962

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