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Percutaneous Decompression for Femoral Neuropathy Secondary to Heparin-Induced Retroperitoneal Hematoma:Case Rpt & Review
Am Surg 57:706-710, Merrick,H.W.,et al, 1991

Femoral Nerve Dysfunction after Retroperitoneal Hemorrhage:Pathophys by CT
ARch Phys Med Rehabil 65:37-40, Reinstein,A.C.,et al, 1984

Femoral Neuropathy Following Cardiac Catheterization for Balloon Mitral Valvotomy
Int J Cardiol 71:197-198, Kuruvilla,A.,et al, 1999

Femoral Compression Neuropathy from a Mechanical Pressure Clamp
Neurol 39:1263, Massey,E.W.&Tim,R.W., 1989

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