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Acute Neuromuscular Respiratory Paralysis
JNNP 56:334-343, Hughes,R.A.C.&Bihari,D., 1993

Peripheral Neuropathy Associated with Silver Toxicity
Neurol 92:481-483, Naddaf, E.,et al, 2019

Diseases of the Nervous System Caused by Nutritional Deficiency, Pyridoxine (Vitamin B6 Deficiency)
Adams & Victors Principles of Neurology Chp 41, pg 1171, Ropper, A.H.,et al, 2014

Peripheral Neuropathy after Hip Replacement Failure: Is Vanadium the Culprit?
Lancet 379:1676, Moretti,B.,et al, 2012

Lead Poisoning From the Beauty Case: Neurologic Manifestations in an Elderly Woman
Neurol 69:929-930, Fluri,F.,et al, 2007

Linezolid-Associated Toxic Optic Neuropathy
Neurol 66:595-598, Rucker,J.C.,et al, 2006

Axonal Polyneuropathy After Acute Dimethylamine Borane Intoxication
Arch Neurol 63:1009-1012, Kuo,H.-C.,et al, 2006

Thalidomide Sensory Neurotoxicity
Neurol 62:2291-2293, Cavaletti,G.,et al, 2004

Clinical Manifestations of Sarin Nerve Gas Exposure
JAMA 290:659-662, Lee,E.C., 2003

Thalidomide-Induced Neuropathy
Neurol 59:1872-1875, Chaudhry,V.,et al, 2002

Myelopathy Caused by Nitrous Oxide Toxicity
AJNR 19:894-896, 9941998., Pema,P.J.,et al, 1998

Distal Sensory Axonopathy after Sarin Intoxication
Neurol 51:1195-1197, Himuro,K.,et al, 1998

Self-Reported Exposure to Neurotoxic Chemical Combinations in the Gulf War:A Cross-Sectional Epidemiologic Study
JAMA 227:231-237, 2591997., Haley,R.W.&Kurt,T.L., 1997

The"Gulf War Syndrome"-Is There Evidence of Dysfunction in the Nervous System
JNNP 60:449-451, Jamal,G.A.,et al, 1996

Ethylene Oxide Neurotoxicity:A Cluster of 12 Nurses with Peripheral and Central Nervous System Toxicity
Neurol 46:992-998, Brashear,A.,et al, 1996

Sensory Neuropathy Associated with Dursban (Chlorpyrifos) Exposure
Neurol 43:2193-2196, Kaplan,J.G.,et al, 1993

Thalidomide Neuropathy
NEJM 327:735, Crawford,C.L.,et al, 1992

Acute Triphenyltin Intoxication:A Case Report
JNNP 53:356-357, Wu,RM.,et al, 1990

Dorsal Radiculopathy Resulting from Podophyllin Toxicity
Neurol 39:607-608, Gorin,F.,et al, 1989

Delayed Neurotoxicity after Ingestion of Carbamate Pesticide
Neurol 37:1229-1231, Dickoff,D.J.,et al, 1987

Unusual Neurotoxicity Associated with Amiodarone Therapy
Arch Int Med 147:881-884, Palakurthy,P.R.,et al, 1987

Organophosphorus Esters & Polyneuropathy
Ann Int Med 104:264-266, Cherniack,M.G., 1986

Long-Lasting Neurological Sequelae After Lithium Intoxication
Acta Psychiatr Scand 70:594-602, Schou,M., 1984

Neurologic Manifestations of Podophyllin Toxicity
Neurol 32:308-311, Filley,C.M.,et al, 1982

Methyl Bromide Poisoning Seen Initially as Psychosis
Arch Neurol 38:529-530, Zatuchni,J.,et al, 1981

The Neurotoxicity of the Rat Poison Vacor, A Clinical Study of l2 Cases
NEJM 302:73-77, LeWitt,P.A., 1980

Neurological Dysfunction of the Bladder in Workers Exposed to Dimethylaminopropronitrile
JAMA 243:741-745, Kreiss,K.,et al, 1980

Ethylene Oxide Neurotoxicity:Report of Four Cases & Review of the Literature
Neurol 29:978-983, Gross,J.A.,et al, 1979

Prolonged Encephalopathy with Arsenic Poisoning
Neurol 28:853-855, Freeman,J.W.,et al, 1978

Neuropathy & Methyl N-Butyl Ketone
NEJM Letter:290 1263; 1974., , 1974

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