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Global Orbital Infarction Syndrome after a Carotid Artery Dissection
JAMA Neurol 76:111-112, Larrosa Campo, D.,et al, 2019

Reversible Blindness Secondary to Acute Sphenoid Sinusitis
Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 112:742-746, Postma,G.N.,et al, 1995

Delayed Visual Loss Due to Trauma of the Internal Carotid Artery
Arch Neurol 48:490-497, Weinstein,J.M.,et al, 1991

MR Findings in Methanol Intoxication
AJNR 16:1783-1786, Gaul,H.P.,et al, 1995

Computerised Tomography in Severe Methanol Intoxication
BMJ 2:929-930, Aquilonius,S-M.,et al, 1978

Clinicopath Conference: Secondary Syphilis Involving Skin and Optic Nerve (Neurosyphilis)
NEJM 363:865-874, Case 26: 2010, 2010

NMO Antibody-Positive Recurrent Optic Neuritis Without Clear Evidence of Transverse Myelitis
Arch Ophthalmol 126:566-570, Dinkin,M.J.,et al, 2008

Restricted Diffusion in Bilateral Optic Nerves and Retinas as an Indicator of Venous Ischemia Caused by Cavernous Sinus Thrombophlebitis
AJNR 27:1815-1816, Chen,J.S.,et al, 2006

CNS Involvement in Neuro-Behcet Syndrome:An MR Study
AJNR 20:1015-1024, Kocer,N.,et al, 1999

Neurological Involvement in Wegener's Granulomatosis:An Analysis of 324 Consecutive Pts at the Mayo Clin
Neurol 33:4-9, Nishino,H.,et al, 1993

Lidocaine Unmasks Silent Demyelinative Lesions in Multiple Sclerosis
Neurol 42:2088-2093, Sakurai,M.,et al, 1992

Spontaneous Visual Phenomena with Visual Loss:104 Patients with Lesions of Retinal and Neural Afferent Pathways
Neurol 40:444-447, Lepore,F.E., 1990

Phosphenes Induced by Sound
Neurol 29:1524-1527, Lessell,S.,et al, 1979

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