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Clinical,Neuroimaging,and Genetic Markers in Cerebral Amyloid Angiopatny-Related Inflammation:A Systematic Review and Meta-Analusis
Stroke 54:178-188, Theodorou,A.,et al, 2023

Adult Primary Central Nervous System Vasculitis
Lancet 380:767-777, Salvarani, C.,et al, 2012

The Varicella Zoster Virus Vasculopathies: Clinical, CSF, Imaging, and Virologic Features
Neurol 70:853-860, Nagel,M.A.,et al, 2008

Primary Central Nervous System Vasculitis with Prominent Leptomeningeal Enhancement
Arthritis Rheum:58:595-603, Salvarani, C.,et al, 2008

Primary Central Nervous System Vasculitis: Analysis of 101 Patients
Ann Neurol 62:442-451,430, Salvarani,C.,et al, 2007

Two Patients With Unusual Forms of Varicella-Zoster Virus Vasculopathy
NEJM 347:1500-1503, Gilden,D.H.,et al, 2002

Cerebrovascular complic of Neurocysticercosis, Clin & Neuroimaging Spectrum
Arch Neurol 53:233-239, Cantu,C.&Barinagarrementeria,F., 1996

Varicalla-Zoster Virus DNA in CSF & Arteries in Delayed Contralat Hemiplegia:Evid for Viral Invasion of Cerebr Art
Neurol 47:569-570, Melanson,M.,et al, 1996

Leptomeningeal Dissemination of Malignant Glioma Simulating Cerebral vasculitis:Case Report with Angiographic & Path
Stroke 26:2366-2370, Herman,C.,et al, 1995

Cerebrospinal Fluid and Therpay of Isolated Angiitis of the Central Nervous System
Stroke 25:1693-1695, Oliveira,V.,et al, 1994

Idiopathic Granulomatous Angiitis of the Central Nervous System
Arch Neurol 50:925-930, Vollmer,T.L.,et al, 1993

Borrelia Rhombencephalomyelopathy
Arch Neurol 48:832-836, Kuntzer,T.,et al, 1991

Tuberculosis of the CNS (Spinal Cord Disease)
In Infections of the Central Nervous System, Raven Press, New York, p 44091., Zuger,A.&Lowry,F.D., 1991

Stroke in Neuroborreliosis
Stroke 21:1232-1235, May,E.F.&Jabbari,B., 1990

Clinicopath Conf
Primary (Granulomatous) Angiitis of Central Nervous System, Case Record 8-1989, NEJM 320:514-5249., , 1989

Clinicopath Conf
Wegner's Granulomatosis Involving Paranasal Sinuses & Leptomeninges, Case Record 12-1988, NEJM 318:7, 0-7688., 1988

Granulomatous Angiitis of the Central Nervous System:Protean Manifestations and Response to Treatment
JNNP 51:1126-1133, Koo,E.H.&Massey,E.W., 1988

Seizures Due to Central Nervous System Rheumatoid Meningovasculitis
Neurol 33:1058-1061, Beck,D.O.,et al, 1983

Acute Posterior Multifocal Placoid Pigment Epitheliopathy & Cerebral Vasculitis
Arch Neurol 40:48-50, Smith,C.G.,et al, 1983

Rheumatoid Disease with Encephalopathy
Ann Neurol 7:86-91, Kim,R.C., 1980

Neurologic Manifestations of Cogan Syndrome
Neurol 28:278, Bicknell,J.M.,et al, 1978

Neuro-Behcet Disease:Two Cases & Neuroradiologic Findings
Neurol 27:1148, Kozin,F.,et al, 1977

Primary Central Nervous System Lymphoma:Clinical Features, Diagnosis, and Extent of Disease Evaluation, Jan, Nayak,L & Batchelor,T., 2024

Myelin Oligodendrocyte Glycoprotein Antibody-Associated Disease (MOGAD):Clinical Features and Diagnosis, Sept, Flanagan,E.P. & Tillema,J-M, 2023

Guidelines in Action: Worse Headache of Life...Yesterday
Stroke 54:e488-e491, Albin,C.S.W., 2023

HSV-Encephalitis Resembling Acute Cerebral Infarction in a Patient with Atrial Fibrillation, Beware of Stroke Mimics
Neurologist 27:30-33, Kargiotis,O.,et cl, 2022

Longitudinally Extensive Spinal Cord Lesions in a Middle-Aged Man
Neurol 98:419-424, Xi, N. & Zhou, Y., 2022

Laboratory Diagnosis of Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease
NEJM 386:1345-1350, Zerr, I., 2022

COVID-19: A Global Threat to the Nervous System
Ann Neurol 88:1-11, Koralnik, I.J. & Tyler, K.L., 2020

Isolated Intracranial Hypertension Associated with COVID-19
Cephalagia 40:1452-1458, Tulius,M.,et al, 2020

Clinicopathologic Conference, Ocular Syphilis
NEJM 380:1062-1071, Case 8-2019, 2019

Clinical Metagenomic Sequencing for Diagnosis of Meningitis and Encephalitis
NEJM 380:2327-2340, Wilson, M.R.,et al, 2019

Diagnostic Value of Cerebrospinal Fluid Neurofilament Light Protein in Neurology
JAMA Neurol 76:1035-1048, Bridel, C.,et al, 2019

NEJM 381:1358-1363, Ropper, A.H.,et al, 2019

Cerebrospinal Fluid in Posterior Reversible Encephalopathy Syndrome: Implications of Elevated Protein and Pleocytosis
Neurohosp 9:58-64, Ellis, C.A.,et al, 2019

RT-QuIC: A New Test for Sporadic CJD
Pract Neurol 19:49-55, Green, A.J.E., 2019

A Fatal Case of Undiagnosed Candida Meningitis-Role of Computer-assisted Diagnosis
Neurologist 23:138-140, Finelli, P.F., 2018

A Patient With Multiple Cranial Nerve Palsies and Areflexic Paraparesis
Neurol 91:e392-e395, Garg,R.K.,et al, 2018

Chronic Meningitis Investigated via Metagenomic Next-Generation Sequencing
JAMA Neurol 75:947-955,915, Wilson,M.R.,et al, 2018

Proptosis and Double Vision in a Child
JAMA Neurol 75:1142-1143, Lu, A.J.,et al, 2018

Characteristics in Limbic Encephalitis with Anti-Adenylate Kinase 5 Autoantibodies
Neurol 88:514-524,508, Do, L. & Chanson, E., 2017

Diagnosis of Human Prion Disease Using Real-Time Quaking-Induced Conversion Testing of Olfactory Mucosa and Cerebrospinal Fluid Samples
JAMA Neurol 74:155-162,144, Bongianni, M.,et al, 2017

Glial Fibrillary Acidic Protein Immunoglobulin G as Biomarker of Autoimmune Astrocytopathy: Analysis of 102 Patients
Ann Neurol 81:298-309, Flanagan, E.P.,et al, 2017

Powassan Virus-A New Reemerging Tick-Borne Disease
Front Public Health 5:342, Fatmi,S.S., et al, 2017

Cerebrospinal Fluid Real-Time Quaking-Induced Conversion is a Robust and Reliable Test for Sporadic Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease: An International Study
Ann Neurol 80:160-165, McGuire, L.I.,et al, 2016

Paraneoplastic Cerebellar Degeneration with Anti-Yo Antibodies - A Review
Ann Clin Trans Neurol 3:655-663, Venkatraman,A. & Opal,P., 2016

Differentiation Between Traumatic Tap and Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Hemorrhage: Prospective Cohort Study
BMJ 350:h568, Perry, J.J.,et al, 2015

Clinical manifestations and diagnosis of Listeria monocytogenes infection
www.UptoDate June, Gelfand, M.S., 2015

Rapid and Sensitive RT-QuIC Detection of Human Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease Using Cerebrospinal Fluid
mBio 6:e02451-14, Orru,C.D.,et al, 2015

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