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Evoked Potentials In Clinical Medicine, (First of Two Parts)
NEJM 306:1140-1150, Chiappa,K.H.,et al, 1982

Association Between Clinical Conversion to Multiple Sclerosis in Radiologically Isolated Syndrome and Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Cerebrospinal Fluid, and Visual Evoked Potential: Follow-Up of 70 Patients
Arch Neurol 66:841-846, Lebrun,C.,et al, 2009

Recommended Diagnostic Criteria for Multiple Sclerosis: Guidelines from the International Panel on the Diagnosis of Multiple Sclerosis
Ann Neurol 50:121-127, McDonald,W.I.,et al, 2001

Lidocaine Unmasks Silent Demyelinative Lesions in Multiple Sclerosis
Neurol 42:2088-2093, Sakurai,M.,et al, 1992

New Diagnostic Criteria for Multiple Sclerosis:Guidelines for Research Protocols
Neurol 13:227-231, Poser,C.M.,et al, 1983

Early Visual Function Impairment in CADASIL
Neurol 60:2008-2010, Parisi,V.,et al, 2003

Practice Parameter: The Usefulness of Evoked Potentials in Identifying Clinically Silent Lesions in Patients With Suspected Multiple Sclerosis (an Evidence-Based Review)
Neurol 54:1720-1725, Gronseth,G.S.&Ashman,E.J., 2000

Infantile Neuroaxonal Dystrophy,Clinical Spectrum and Diagnostic Criteria
Neurol 52:1472-1478, Nardocci,N.,et al, 1999

Effects of Intravent Hemorrhage & Socioecon Status on NEur Status of Low Birth Weight Inf at 5 yrs of age
J Pediatr 121:280-285, Vohr,B.,et al, 1992

The Diagnostic Reliability of Magnetically Evoked Motor Potentials In Multiple Sclerosis
Neurol 42:1296-1301, Ravnborg,M.,et al, 1992

The Sensitivity of Transcranial Cortical Magnetic Stimulation in Detecting Pyramidal Tract Lesions in Clin Definite MS
Neurol 41:566-569, Mayr,N.,et al, 1991

Hallervorden-Spatz Syndrome and Brain Iron Metabolism
Arch Neurol 48:1285-1293, Swaiman,K.F., 1991

Neurosarcoidosis:Signs, Course and Treatment in 35 Confirmed Cases
Medicine 69:261-276, Chapelon,C.,et al, 1990

Infantile CNS Spongy Degeneration-14 Cases:Clinical Update
Neurol 40:1876-1882, Gascon,G.G.,et al, 1990

MRI in the Diagnosis of MS:Comparison of Clinical Eval, Evoked Potentials, Oligoclonal Banding, & CT
Neurol 38:180-185, 309-3141988., Paty,D.W.,et al, 1988

Cortical Blindness:Etiology, Diagnosis, & Prognosis
Ann Neurol 21:149-158, Aldrich,M.S.,et al, 1987

Value of Visual Evoked Response & Oligoclonal Bands in CSF, In Diagnosis of Spinal Multiple Sclerosis
Lancet 1:769-771, Kempster,P.A.,et al, 1987

Cranial Magnetic Resonance Imaging in the Evaluation of Myelopathy of Undetermined Etiology
Neurol 37:840-843, Miska,R.M.,et al, 1987

Multiple Sclerosis:Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Evoked Responses, & Spinal Fluid Electroporesis
Neurol 36:828-831, Farlow,M.R.,et al, 1986

The Value of Visual Evoked Potential as a Screening Test in Neurofibromatosis
Arch Neurol 42:1072-1074, Jabbari,B.,et al, 1985

Carotid Occlusive Disease, Effect of Bright Light on Visual Evoked Response
Arch Neurol 39:687-689, Donnan,G.A.,et al, 1982

Multimodality Evoked Potentials & Blink Reflex in Multiple Sclerosis
Neurol 31:138-144, Khoshbin,S.,et al, 1981

Visual Evoked Potentials in Occipital Lobe Lesions
Arch Neurol 38:80-85, Streletz,L.J.,et al, 1981

Visual Function of the Extrageniculo-calcarine System in Man
Arch Neurol 37:704-706, Celesia,G.G.,et al, 1980

Central Achromatopsia:Behavioral, Anatomic, & Physiologic Aspects
Neurol 30:1064-1071, Damasio,A.,et al, 1980

Visual Evoked Potentials in Infants with Hydrocephalus
Neurol 29:1541-1544, Ehle,A.,et al, 1979

Visual Evoked Potentials in the Evaluation of"Cortical Blindness"in Children
Ann Neurol 6:126-129, Frank,Y.,et al, 1979

Pattern Visual Evoked Responses in Multiple Sclerosis
Arch Neurol 34:314, Zeese,J.A., 1977

Visual Electroencephalographic Computer Analysis (VECA) :A New Electrophysiologic Test for the Diagnosis of Optic Lesions
Neurol 27:637, Celesia,G.G.,et al, 1977

Subclinical Optic Neuropathy in Multiple Sclerosis
Arch Neurol 34:666, Galvin,R.J.,et al, 1977

Visual Evoked Response in Diagnosis of MS
Nat'l Hosp for Nervous Diseases, BMJ 4:6611973., Halliday,A., 1973

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