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Filter Applied: systemic lupus erythematosus,neurologic complications with (Click to remove)

Clinicopathologic Conference, Antiphospholipid Syndrome due to SLE with Hypocomplimentemia
NEJM 389: 2277-2285, Case 38-2023, 2023

Clinicopath Conf
Antiphospholipid-Antibody Syndrome, ANA-Negative Systemic Lupus Erythematosus, Case Study 37-1988, N, JM :699-712,1988., 1988

Neuropsychiatric Manifest. of SLE:Diagnosis, Clinical Spectrum, & Relationship to Other Features of the Disease
Medicine 55:323, Feinglass,E.J.,et al, 1976

Lupus Meningitis
Ann Int Med 80:58, Keefe,E.,et al, 1974

Lupus and Zoster
Lancet 362:616, Douglas,K.M.J., 2003

Acute Cerebrovascular Episodes in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
Quart J Med 293:739-750, Eustace,S.,et al, 1991

Cerebrospinal Fluid Antibodies to Neuronal Cells:Association with Neuropsychiatric Manifestations of SLE
Am J Med 70:240-246, Bluestein,H.G.,et al, 1981

Central Nervous System Involvement in SLE
Arth & Rheum 20:869977., Small,P.,et al, 1977

Choroid Plexus in SLE
Ann Int Med 76:65, Atkins,C.,et al, 1972

Serum & Cerebral Spinal Fluid Complement & Serum Autoantibodies in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
Medicine 50:259 1971., Petz,L.,et al, 1971

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