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Miliary Cerebral Calcifications
Neurol 86:879, de Ceuster, L.M.E.,et al, 2016

Metastasis cerebrales calcificadas. Estudio de dos casos y revision de la bibliografia
Neurologia 15:136-139, Sastre-Garriga, J.,et al, 2000

Calcified Miliary Brain Metastases with Mitochondrial Inclusion Bodies
JNNP 56:110-111, Yamazaki,T.,et al, 1993

MR Imaging of Pineal Region Neoplasms
J Comput Assist Tomogr 15:56-63, Zee,C.,et al, 1991

Brain Metastases from Undiagnosed Systemic Neoplasms
Arch Int Med 149:1076-1080, Merchut,M.P., 1989

Computed Tomography in Intracranial, Supratentorial Metastases in Children
Neuroradiology 31:19-23, Pedersen,H.,et al, 1989

Calcified Cerebral Metastasis from Cervical Carcinoma
Neuroradiology 31:291, Gaze,M.N.,et al, 1989

A Lung Cancer Case with Numerous Calcified Metastatic Nodules of the Brain
Neuroradiology 30:265-268, Fukuda,Y.,et al, 1988

Distribution of Brain Metastases
Arch Neurol 45:741-744, Delattre,J.Y.,et al, 1988

Computed Tomography & Skull Radiography in the Diagnosis of Calcified Brain Tumor
Am J Roentgenol 130:761-764, Gouliamos,A.D.,et al, 1978

Massive Brain Hemorrhage:A Review of 144 Cases & an Examination of Their Causes
Stroke 4:946-954, McCormick,W.F.,et al, 1973

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