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Clinical Correlations of Periodic Lateralized Epileptiform Discharges
Clin Electroenceph 8:191-202, Porecha,H.P.&Reilly,E.L., 1977

Myotonic Dystrophy: Etiology, Clinical Features, and Diagnosis
UptoDate 2022 Jan, Darras, B.T., 2022

Central nervous System Manifestations of Cardiac Myxoma
Arch Neurol 64:1115-1120, Lee,V.H.,et al, 2007

Clinical Reasoning: A Case of Multiple Intracerebral Hemorrhages
Neurol 69:E30-E34, Wendell,L.C.,et al, 2007

Metastatic Brain Tumor of Atrial Myxoma
Neuroradiology 29:218, Kadota,T.,et al, 1987

Cerebrovascular Complications in Patients with Cancer
Medicine 64:16-35, Graus,F.,et al, 1985

Atrial Myxoma:A Review of the Neurological Complications, Metastases, & Recurrences
JNNP 41:1119-1124, Alonso,L.,et al, 1978

Case Records of the MGH
Metastatic Choreocarcinoma from Ovary, NEJM 296:9261977., , 1977

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