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A 64-year-old Man with Progressive Paraspinal Muscle Weakness
Neurol 86:e4-e9, Schneider, R.,et al, 2016

Acute Myopathy After Liver Transplantation
Neurol 50:46-53, Campellone,J.V.,et al, 1998

Acute Myopathy of Intensive Care:Clinical, Electromyographic, and Pathological Aspects
Ann Neurol 40:645-654, Lacomis,D.,et al, 1996

Progressive Proximal Weakness in a 56-year-old Man with Bone Pain
Neurol 93:939-944, Torabi,T.,et al, 2019

Stem Cell Transplantation in a Patient With Late-Onset Nemaline Myopathy and Gammopathy
Neurol 71:531-532, Benveniste,O.,et al., 2008

Sporadic Late-Onset Nemaline Myopathy Effectively Treated by Melphalan and Stem Cell Transplant
Neurol 71:532-534,472, Voermans,N.C.,et al., 2008

Amyloid Myopathy Presenting with Distal Atrophic Weakness
Muscle Nerve 29:605-609, Smestad, C.,et al, 2004

Early Neurologic Complications Following Allogeneic Bone Marrow Transplant for Leukemia, a Prospective Study
Neurol 50:1441-1445, Antonini,G.,et al, 1998

Neuro Complica of Coeliac Disease & Trop Sprue, Neurology of GI Disease
1974, Major Problems in Neurology V-3, W. B. Saunders Co, Ltd., Pallis,C.A.&Lewis,P.D., 1974

A 60-Year-Old Woman with Rapidly Progressive Muscle Weakness and Ophthalmoparesis
Neurol 103:e209708, Wannarong,T.,et al, 2024

A 22-Year-Old Woman with Episodic Weakness and Jaundice
Neurol 103:e210018, Rathinasbapathi,M.,et al, 2024

Progressive Camptocormia with Head Drop and Dysphagia
JAMA Neurol 80:209-210, El-Wahsh,S., et al, 2023

Extrapulmonary Manifestations of Sarcoidosis
Rheum Dis Clin North Am 39:277-297, Rao,D.A. & Dellaripa,P.F., 2023

A 36-Year-Old Man With Asymmetric Muscle Weakness
Neurol 99"1057-1061, Harada,Y.,et al, 2022

A 59-Year-Old Man with Progressive Proximal Weakness Since Childhood
Neurol 97:958-963, Davalos, L.,et al, 2021

Bilateral Ptosis, Dysphagia, and Progresive Weakness in a Patient of French-Canadian Background
Neurol 95:933-938, Paul,P.,et al, 2020

Covd-19-Associated Myopathy Caused by Type 1 Interferonopathy
NEJM 383:2389-2390, Manzano, A.C.,et al, 2020

A 40-Year-Old Woman Presenting with Distal Leg Weakness
Neurol 92:242-247, Fam, D.,et al, 2019

Neuromuscular Adverse Events Associated with Anti-PD-1 Monoclonal Antibodies
Neurol 92:663-674, Johansen, A.,et al, 2019

Clinicopathologic Conference, Statin-Associated Autoimmune Myopathy
NEJM 381:275-283, Case 22-2019, 2019

Metabolic Lipid Muscle Disorders: Biomarkers and Treatment
Ther Adv Neurol Disord 12:1-15, Angelini, C.,et al, 2019

Subacute Paresis in a 28-year-old man with HIV
Neurol 90:432-435, Harada, Y.,et al, 2018

A Curable Myopathy Manifesting as Exercixe Intolerance and Respirtory Failure
Neurol 91:187-190, Silva,A.M.S.,et al, 2018

Immune Checkpoint Inhibitor-Related Myositis and Myocarditis in Patients with Cancer
Neurol 91:e985-e994, Touat, M.,et al, 2018

Clinicopathologic Conference, MELAS (mitochondrial encephalopathy, lactic acidosis, and stroke like episodes)
NEJM 376:1668-1678, CASE 13-2017, 2017

Statin-Associated Autoimmune Myopathy
NEJM 374:664-669, Mammen, A.L., 2016

A 38-Year-Old Man with Respiratory Failure and Progressive Leg Weakness
Neurol 86:e190-e194, McIntosh, P. & Karam, C., 2016

A 30-year-old Man with Progressive Weakness and Atrophy
Neurol 87:e227-e230, Quinn, C.,et al, 2016

Clinical Laboratory and Findings of 21 Patients with Radiation-Induced Myopathy
JNNP 86:152-158, Ghosh, P.S. & Milone M., 2015

A 51-year-old Woman with Weakness and Stiff Neck
Neurol 85:e32-e36, Kassardjian, C.D. & Milone, M., 2015

Mystery Case: A 63-year-old Man with Progressive Proximal Pain and Weakness
Neurol 82:e26-e29, Scripko, P.D.,et al, 2014

ICU-Acquired Weakness and Recovery from Critical Illness
NEJM 370:1626-1635, Kress, J.P. & Hall, J.B., 2014

Clinicopathologic Conference, Dermatomyositis. Malignant Atrophic Papulosis (Degoss Disease), Involving the Skin and Gastrointestinal Tract
NEJM 370:2327-2337, Case 18-2014, 2014

Correlation of Clinicoserologic and Pathologic Classifications of Inflammatory Myopathies
Medicine 92:15-24, Fernandez, C.,et al, 2013

Clinicopathologic Conference, Inflammatory Myopathy and Myasthenia Gravis Assoc. with Thymoma
NEJM 369:764-773, Case 26-2013, 2013

Inflammatory Myopathies with Anti-Ku Antibodies
Medicine 91:95-102, Rigolet,A.,et al, 2012

Clinicopathologic Conference,Necrotizing Noninflammatory Myopathy Consistent with Exposure to Statins
NEJM 36:944-954, Case 7-2012, 2012

Progressive Weakness with Respiratory Failure in a Patient with Sarcoidosis
Arch Neurol 69:534-537, Chaudhry,P.,et al, 2012

Heterogeneity of Coenzyme Q10 Deficiency
Arch Neurol 69:978-983, Emmanuele, V.,et al, 2012

Statin Induced Myopathy
BMJ 337:1159-1162, Sathasivam,S. &Lecky,B., 2008

The Role of Muscle Biopsy in Investigating Isolated Muscle Pain
Neurol 68:181-186,170, Filosto,M.,et al, 2007

A 46-Year-Old Woman With Severe Weakness Following Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome
Neurol 68:1529-1535, Waclawik,A.J.,et al, 2007

The Association of Chronic Hepatitis B and Myopathy
Neurol 67:1467-1469, Capasso,M.,et al, 2006

Polymyositis and Dermatomyositis
Lancet 362:971-982, Dalakas,M.C.&Hohlfeld,R., 2003

Clinicopath Conf., Colchicine Myoneuropathy
NEJM 349:1656-1663, Case 33-2003, 2003

Statin-Associated Myopathy With Normal Creatine Kinase Levels
Ann Int Med 137:581-585,617, Phillips,P.S.,et al, 2002

Focal Myopathy Mimicking Posterior Interosseous Nerve Syndrome
Muscle Nerve 24:969-972, Erdem,S.,et al, 2001

Clinical and Genetic Aspects of Distal Myopathies
Muscle Nerve 24:1440-1450, Saperstein,D.S.,et al, 2001

Amyloid Myopathy:An Underdiagnosed Entity
Ann Neurol 43:719-728, Spuler,S.,et al, 1999

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