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Atlanto-Axial Subluxation in Rheumatoid Arthritis
Bone & Joint Surg 55B:458973., Rana,N.S., 1973

MR Imaging of CNS Tractopathy:Wallerian & Transneuronal Degeneration
AJR 171:813-818, Yamada,K.,et al, 1998

MR-Pathologic Comparisons of Wallerian Degeneration in Spinal Cord Injury
AJNR 16:125-133, Becerra,J.L.,et al, 1995

MRI of Wallerian Degeneration in the Cervical Spinal Cord
J Comput Assist Tomogr 17:824-825, Mascalchi,M.,et al, 1993

Neurologic Aspects of Cobalamin Deficiency
Medicine 70:229-245, Healton,E.B.,et al, 1991

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