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A 35-Year-Old Woman with Personality Change and Gait Impairment
Neurol 104:e210252, Bernardes,C.,et al, 2024

Tuberous Sclerosis Complex:Clinical Features, Dec, Randle,S., et al, 2023

Clinicopathologic Conference, Delayed Postthypoxic Leukoencephalopathy
NEJM 384:2438-2445, Case 19-2021, 2021

Mystery Case: A 48-year-old Woman with Bizarre Behavior, Neurologic Symptoms, and Progressive Decline
Neurol 90:242-247, Kesari, N.K.,et al, 2018

Clinicopathologic Conference, Poststroke Mania and the Frontal Lobe Syndrome
NEJM 379:182-189, Case 21-2018, 2018

Personality Changes, Executive Dysfunction, and Motor and Memory Impairment
JAMA Neurol 74:245-246, Lopez Chiriboga, A.S.,et al, 2017

Disorders of the Nervous System Caused by Drugs, Toxins, and Chemical Agents, Cocaine
Adams & Victors Principles of Neurology Chp 43, pg 1213, Ropper, A.H.,et al, 2014

Extensive Striatal, Cortical, and White Matter Brain MRI Abnormalities in Wilson Disease
Neurol 81:1557, Trocello, J.M.,et al, 2013

Overview of Phenylketonuria
UptoDate (May), Bodamer,O.A., 2008

eMedicine (December), Arnold,G.L., 2007

Angiography-Negative Primary Central Nervous System Vasculitis in Children
Arthritis Rheum 52:2159-2167, Benseler, S.M.,et al, 2005

Toxic Leukoencephalopathy
NEJM 345:425-432, Filley,C.M. &Kleinschmidt-DeMasters,B.K., 2001

Brain Structure and Neurocognitive and Behavioural Function in Adolescents Who Were Born Very Preterm
Lancet 353:1653-1657, Stewart,A.L.,et al, 1999

Susac Syndrome
Medicine 77:3-11, Papo,T.,et al, 1998

Subcotical Arteriosclerotic Encephalopathy (Binswangers Disease)
, Ghika,J. &Bogousslavsky, J., 1998

MR Imaging of the Spinal Cord in 23 Subjects with ALD-AMN Complex
AJR 158:413-416, Snyder,R.D.,et al, 1992

Delayed Encephalopathy after Acute Carbon Monoxide Intoxication:MR Imaging Features & Cerebral White Matter Lesions
Radiology 184:117-122, Chang,K.H.,et al, 1992

Organic Causes of Minimal Brain Dysfunction
JAMA 217:1207, Twobin,A., 1971

Association of Pediatric Acute-Onset Neuropsychiatric Syndrome with Microstructural Differences in Brain Regions Detected via Diffusion-Weighted Magnetic Resonance Imaging
JAMA Network Open 3:doi:10.1001/JAMANETWORKOPEN.2020.4063, Zheng, J.,et al, 2020

Clnicopathologic Conference Anti-N-Methyl-D-Aspartate (NMDA) Receptor Encephalitis
NEJM 379:870-878, CASE 27-2018, 2018

Clinicopathologic Conference, Pulmonary Adenocarcinoma, Complicated by a Hypercoagulable State with a Nonbacterial Thrombotic Endocarditis
NEJM, Case 33-2018, 2018

Characteristics in Limbic Encephalitis with Anti-Adenylate Kinase 5 Autoantibodies
Neurol 88:514-524,508, Do, L. & Chanson, E., 2017

A 27-Year Old Man with Rapidly Progressive Coma
Neurol 85:e74-e78, Wong,J.M.,et al, 2015

Clinical Spectrum of Succinic Semialdehyde Dehydrogenase Deficiency
Neurol 60:1413-1417, Pearl,P.L.,et al, 2003

Vascular Syndromes of the Thalamus
Stroke 34:2264-2278, Schumahmann,J.D., 2003

Clinicopath Conf
Focal Cortical Dysplasia, Case 7-1996, NEJM 334:586-592996., , 1996

Bilateral Damage to the Head of the Caudate Nuclei
Ann Neurol 25:313-314, Croisile,B.,et al, 1989

Neurobehavioral Changes Associated with Caudate Lesions
Neurol 39:349-354, Mendez,M.F.,et al, 1989

Neurological Syndrome Following Bilateral Damage to the Head of the Caudate Nuclei
Ann Neurol 22:768-771, Richfield,E.K.,et al, 1987

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