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Filter Applied: cerebellar infarction (Click to remove)

Cortical and Cerebellar Hypometabolism After Bilateral Antero-Inferior Cerebellar Artery Infarct
Neurol 78:69-70, Ayrignac, X.,et al, 2012

Cerebral Sinus Thrombosis in Scleroderma
Acta Med Iran 50:288-291, Fard, M.P. & Magham, S.K., 2012

Hypoxic/Ischaemic Brain Damages, Especially Pallidal Lesions, in Heroin Addicts
Forensic Sci Int 102:51-59, Andersen,S.N. &Skullerud,K., 1999

Acute Vestibular Syndrome
NEJM 339:680-685, Hotson,J.R.&Baloh,R.W., 1998

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