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Risk of Second Brain Tumour after Conservative Surgery and Radiotherapy for Pituitary Adenoma
BMJ 304:1343-1346, Brada,M.,et al, 1992

Brain Tumors
NEJM 324:1471-1476, 1555-15641991., Black,P.McL., 1991

Brain Tumors in Pregnancy
Semin Neurol 8:214-221, Simon,R.H., 1988

Brain Tumors in Children
NEJM 331:1500-1507, Pollack,I.F., 1994

Intradural Conus and Cauda Equina Tumours:A Retrospective Review of Presentation, Diagnosis & Early Outcome
JNNP 56:69-74, Mathew,P.&Todd,N.V., 1993

Brain Tumors in Children
J Pediatr 114:511-519, Kadota,R.P.,et al, 1989

Chronic Meningitis
Medicine 55:341, Ellner,J.J.,et al, 1976

Gliomas of the Anterior Visual Pathway
Surv Ophthalmol 38:427-452, Dutton, J., 1994

Large Focal Tumor-Like Demyelinating Lesions of the Brain:Intermed Entity Between MS & Acute Dissem Encephalomyelitis?
Ann Neurol 33:18-27, Kepes,J.J., 1993

Supratentorial Malignant Gliomas in Childhood:A Review of Fifty Cases
Ann Neurol 22:355-364, Dropcho,E.J.,et al, 1987

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