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Wilson Disease
Yamada Textbook of Gastroenterology Chp 102, Metabolic Diseases of Liver, 6th Ed, Sunderam, S.S., & Sokol, R.J., 2016

Bilateral Basal Ganglia Lesions in Patients with End-Stage Diabetic Nephropathy
Nephrology 13:68-72, Li, J.,et al, 2008

Diffusion-Weighted Magnetic Resonance Imaging in the Syndrome of Acute Bilateral Basal Ganglia Lesions in Diabetic Uremia
Mov Disord 21:1267-1270, Kim, T.,et al, 2006

Extrapyramidal side Effects of Antiemetics Presenting as Psychiatric Illness
Gen Hosp Psychiatry 14:192-195, Rodgers,C., 1992

The Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome:Agent and Host Interaction
Acta Psychiatr Scand 73:337-347, Shaley,A.&Munitz,H., 1986

Inherited Metabolic Diseases of the Nervous System, Galactosemia
Adams & Victors Principles of Neurology, Chp 37, pg 951, Ropper, A.H.,et al, 2014

Genetic, Clinical, and Radiographic Delineation of Hallervorden-Spatz Syndrome
NEJM 348:33-40, Hayflick,S.J.,et al, 2003

Clinical & PET Studies in the'Extrapyramidal Syndrome'of Dementia of the Alzheimer Type
Arch Neurol 47:1318-1323, Tyrrell,P.J.,et al, 1990

Late Onset of Distinct Neurologic Syndromes in Galactosemic Siblings
Neurol 39:741-742, Friedman,J.H.,et al, 1989

Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome:Review and Analysis of 115 Cases
Biol Psychiatry 22:1004-1020, Addonizio,G.,et al, 1987

Neurologic Complications of Polycythemia
Ann Int Med 57:909, Silverstein,A.,et al, 1962

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