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Surgical Treatment of Atrioesophageal Fistula:A Systematic Review
Ann Thorac Surg 116:421-428, Amirkhosravi,F.,et al, 2023

Clinicopathologic Conference, Fat Embolism Syndrome
NEJM 385:2464-2474, Case 39-2021, 2021

A 62-year-old man with history of catheter ablation presenting with recurrent strokes
Neurol 95:e3065-e3069, Jeanneret, V.,et al, 2020

Neurologic Abnormalities After Atrial Fibrillation Ablative Procedure
JAMA Neurol 75:1144-1145, Stanton, R.J.,et al, 2018

Infective Endocarditis at Autopsy
Medicine 91:152-164, Fernandez Guerrero,M.L.,et al, 2012

Withdrawal of Antithrombotic Agents and Its Impact on Ischemic Stroke Occurence
Stroke 42:2509-2514, Broderick, J.,et al, 2011

Arterial Injuries in Transsphenoidal Surgery for Pituitary Adenoma:The Role of Angiography and Endovascular Treatment
ANJR 18:655-665, Raymond,J.,et al, 1997

Iatrogenic Cerebral Amyloid Angiopaty Post Neurosurgery:Frequency, Clinical Profile, Radiological Features, and Outcome
Stroke 54:1214-1223, 1224, Kaushik,K.,et al, 2023

Intracerebral Haemorrhage Caused by Iatrogenic Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy in a Patient with a History of Neurosurgery 35 Years Earlier
Lancet 402:11, Fandler-Hofler,et al, 2023

Blook Transfusion and Brain Amyloidosis, Should We Be Worried?
JAMA 330:921-922, Greenberg,S.M., 2023

Cholesterol Embolization Syndrome after Carotid-Artery Stenting
NEJM 386:1265, Wang, W. & Cai, J., 2022

Facial Filler Causes Stroke After Development of Cerebral Fat Embolism
Lancet 395:449, Liu, L.,et al, 2020

Contrast-Induced Encephalopathy After Endovascular Thrombectomy for Acute Ischemic Stroke
Stroke 51:3756-3759, Chu, Y.I.,et al, 2020

Imaging Findings After Mechanical Thrombectomy in Acute Ischemic Stroke
Stroke 50:1618-1625, Puntonet, J.,et al, 2019

Accidental Air Embolism
Stroke 50:e183-e186, Chuang, D.Y.,et al, 2019

Toxoplasmosis in HIV-Infected Patients, May, Gandhi, R.T., 2019

Enhancing Vigilance for Detection of Cerebral Air Embolism
Neurol 91:717-720, Mirtchev, D.,et al, 2018

Atrio-Esophageal Fistula:A Case Series and Literature Review
Am J Case Rep 18:847-854, Schuring,C.A.,et al, 2017

Cryptococcal Meningoencephalitis in a Patient with Multiple Sclerosis Treated with Fingolimod
JAMA Neurol 72:1203-1205, Zhan, Y.,et al, 2015

Foreign Body Emboli Following Cerebrovascular Interventions: Clinical, Radiographic, and Histopathologic Features
AJNR 36:2121-2126, Shapiro, M.,et al, 2015

Cervical Arterial Dissections and Association with Cervical Manipulative Therapy
Stroke 45:3156-3174, Biller, J.,et al, 2014

Enhancing Brain Lesions after Endovascular Treatment of Aneurysms
AJNR 35:1954-1958, Cruz, J.P.,et al, 2014

Retrospective Review of Cerebral Mycotic Aneurysms in 26 Patients: Focus on Treatment in Strongly Immunocompromised Patients with a Brief Literature Review
AJNR 34:823-827, Allen, L.M.,et al, 2013

Aspergillus Meningitis: A Rare Clinical Manifestation of Central Nervous System Aspergillosis
J Infect 66:218-238, Antinori, S.,et al, 2013

Left Atrial Catheter Ablation and Ischemic Stroke
Stroke 43:265-270, Haeusler, K.G.,et al, 2012

Asymmetric Pattern of Cerebrovascular Lesions in Patients after Left Ventricular Assist Device Implantation
Stroke 43:872-874, Kato,T.S.,et al, 2012

Multiple Cerebral Air Emboli During Upper Gastrointestinal Endoscopy
JNNP 83:1110-1111, Koster, G.T.,et al, 2012

Spectrum of Neurologic Complications in Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia
Clin Lymphoma Myeloma Leuk 12:164-179, Lopes da Silva, R., 2012

Transcatheter versus Surgical Aortic-Valve Replacement in High-Risk Patients
NEJM 364:2187-98, 2256, Smith, C.R.,et al, 2011

Management and Outcome of CSF-JC Virus PCR-negative PML in a Natalizumab-treated Patient with MS
Neurol 77:2010-2016, Kuhle, J.,et al, 2011

Iatrogenic Arterial Perforation During Acute Stroke Interventions
AJNR 29:974-975, Nguyen,T.N.,et al, 2008

Monoclonal Antibody Therapies and Neurologic Disorders
Arch Neurol 65:1162-1165, Novack,J.C.,et al., 2008

Multiple Ischemic Strokes Associated With Use of Recombinant Activated Factor VII
Arch Neurol 64:879-881, Libman,R.B.,et al, 2007

Anterior Cerebral Artery Emboli in Combined Intravenous and Intra-arterial rtPA Treatment of Acute Ischemic Stroke in the IMS I and II Trials
AJNR 28:1890-1894, King,S.,et al, 2007

Fatal Fat Embolism after Vertebroplasty:Identification of the High-Risk Patient
AJNR 27:343-345, Syed,M.I.,et al, 2006

Embolic Stroke Due to a Left Atrial Thrombus Two Years After Placement of an Atrial Septal Defect Closure Device
Am J Cardiol 98:1294-1296, Raghu,A.,et al, 2006

Patent Foramen Ovale Closure Devices
JAMA 294:366-369, Maisel,W.H.&Laskey,W.K., 2005

Incidence and Clinical Course of Thrombus Formation on Atrial Septal Defect and Patent Foramen Ovale Closure Devices in 1,000 Consecutive Patients
J Am Coll Cardiol 43:302-309, Krumsdorf,U.,et al, 2004

Incidence of Thrombus Formation on the CardioSEAL and the Amplatzer Interatrial Closure Devices
Am J Cardiol 93:426-431, Anzai,H.,et al, 2004

Cerebral Ischemia Detected with Diffusion-Weighted MR Imaging After Stent Implantation in the Carotid Artery
AJNR 23:200-207, Jaeger,H.J.,et al, 2002

New Brain Lesions at MR Imaging After Carotid Angioplasty and Stent Placement
Radiology 224:361-365, van Heesewijk,H.P.M.,et al, 2002

Risk of Endovascular Treatment of Brain Arteriovenous Malformations
Stroke 33:1816-1820, Hartmann,A.,et al, 2002

Cerebrovascular Complication Associated with Pulmonary Vein Ablation
J Cardiovasc Electrophysiol 13:764-767, Kok,L.C.,et al, 2002

Cerebral Artery Air Embolism Following an Esophagogastroscopy: A Case Report
Neurol 56:136-137, Akhtar,N.,et al, 2001

Diffusion-weighted MR Imaging After Angioplasty or Angioplasty Plus Stenting of Arteries Supplying the Brain
AJNR 22:1251-1259,1234, Jaeger,H.J.,et al, 2001

Churg-Strauss Syndrome, Clinical Study and Long-Term Follow-Up of 96 Patients
Medicine 78:26-37, Guillevin,L.,et al, 1999

Arteriovenous Malformations of the Brain in Adults
NEJM 340:1812-1818, The Arteriovenous Malformation Study Group, 1999

Surgical and Endovascular Treatment of Unruptured Cerebral Aneurysms at University Hospitals
Neurol 52:1799-1805, Johnston,S.C.,et al, 1999

Silent Embolism in Diagnostic Cerebral Angiography and Neurointerventional Procedures:A Prospective Study
Lancet 354:1594-1597,1577, Bendszus,M.,et al, 1999

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