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Clinicopathologic Conference, Copper Deficiency Myelopathy
NEJM 377:1977-1984, Case 35-2017, 2017

Corticosteroid-Induced Paraplegia - A Diagnostic Clue for Spinal Dural Arterial Venous Fistula
JAMA Neurol 72:833-834, Hocker, S., 2015

Longitudinally Extensive Transverse Myelitis Following Vaccination With Nasal Attenuated Novel Influenza A (H1N1) Vaccine
Arch Neurol 67:1018-1020, Akkad,W., et al, 2010

How Beneficial is Surgery for Cervical Radiculopathy and Myelopathy?
BMJ 341:200-202, Fouyas,I.P., et al, 2010

Neurologic Complications of Gastric Bypass Surgery for Morbid Obesity
Neurol 68:1843-1850, Juhasz-Pocsine,K.,et al, 2007

Post-transplantation HTLV-1 Myelopathy in Three Recipients From a Single Donor
JNNP 74:1080-1084, Zarranz Imirizaldu,J.J., et al, 2003

Neurologic Complications Following Chiropractic Manipulation:A Survey of California Neurologists
Neurol 45:1213-1215, Lee,K.P.,et al, 1995

Neurologic Complications of Lumbar Epidural Anesthesia and Analgesia
Neurol 45:1795-1801, Yuen,E.C.,et al, 1995

MRI in Chronic Progressive Radiation Myelopathy
J Comput Asisst Tomogr 18:1-6, Melki,P.S.,et al, 1994

Optic Neuritis and Myelitis after Booster Tetanus Toxoid Vaccination
Lancet 339:178-179, Topaloglu, H.,et al, 1992

HTLV-I-Associated Myelopathy Associated with Blood Transfusion in the US:Epidemiologic & Molecular Evidence
Neurol 41:192-197, Kaplan,J.E.,et al, 1991

Spinal Epidural Lipomatosis:A Serious Complication of Iatrogenic Cushing's Syndrome
Neurol 39:1031-1034, Kaplan,J.G.,et al, 1989

Neurologic Complications After Gastric Restriction Surgery for Morbid Obesity
Neurol 37:196-299, Abarbanel,J.M.,et al, 1987

Osteopathic Manipulation Resulting in Damage to Spinal Cord
BMJ 291:1540-1541, Cooper,G., 1985

Sudden Myelopathy Secondary To Therapeutic Total-Body Hyperthermia After Spinal-Cord Irradiation
NEJM 304:583-585, Douglas,M.A.,et al, 1981

Fatal Myeloencephalopathy Caused by Intrathecal Vincristine
Neurol 30:867-871, Slyter,H.,et al, 1980

Cervical Myelopathy after Metrizamide Myelography
BMJ 2:1262-1263, Bastow,M.,et al, 1979

Safety of Spinal Angiography
Neurol 77:1235-1240, Chen, J. and Gailloud P., 2011

Progressive Deterioration of Intellect and Motor Function Occurring Several Decades after Cranial Irradiation
ARch Neurol 53:814-818, Duffey,P.,et al, 1996

Cervical Myelopathy:Survey of Modes of Practice and Major Complications
Radiology 174:79-83, Robertson,H.J.&Smith,R.D., 1990

Internuclear Ophthalmoplegia following Cervical Manipulation
Ann Neurol 1:308, Zauel,D., 1977

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