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Fibromuscular Dysplasia
NEJM 350:1862-1871, Slovut,D.P. &Olin,J.W., 2004

Clinical and Angiographic Features and Stroke Types in Adult Moya Moya Disease
AJNR 35:1124-1131, Jang, D.K.,et al, 2014

Intracranial Aneurysms in Childhood: 27-Year Single-Institution Experience
AJNR 30:1315-1324, Hetts,S.W.,et al, 2009

Unruptured Large and Giant Carotid Artery Aneurysms Presenting with Cranial Nerve Palsy: Comparison of Clinical Recovery After Selective Aneurysm Coiling and Therapeutic Carotid Artery Occlusion
AJNR 29:997-1002, van Rooij,W.J. &Sluzewski,M., 2008

Management of Stroke in Infants and Children: A Scientific Statement From a Special Writing Group of the American Heart Association Stroke Council and the Council on Cardiovascular Disease in the Young
Stroke 39:2644-2691, Roach,E.S.,et al., 2008

Cavernous Sinus Syndrome: A Series of 126 Patients
Medicine 86:278-281, Fern�ndez,S.,et al, 2007

Cerebral Vasculopathy with aneurysm Formation in HIV-infected Young Adults
Neurol 66:1121-1122, Kossorotoff,M.,et al, 2006

Ruptured Cavernous Sinus Aneurysms Causing Carotid Cavernous Fistula: Incidence, Clinical Presentation, Treatment, and Outcome
AJNR 27:185-189, van Rooij, W.J.,et al, 2006

The Evaluation of Isolated Third Nerve Palsy Revisited: An Update on the Evolving Role of Magnetic Resonance, Computed Tomography, and Catheter Angiography
Surv Ophthalmol 47:137-157, Lee,A.G.,et al, 2002

Relative Pupil-Sparing Third Nerve Palsy:Etiology and Clinical Variables Predictive of a Mass
Neurol 56:797-798, Jacobson,D.M., 2001

Intracerebral Haemorrhage in Young Adults: The Emerging Importance of Drug Misuse
BMJ 320:1322-1324, McEvoy,A.W.,et al, 2000

Intracerebral Haemorrhage Caused by Drug Abuse
Lancet 351:1029, McEvoy,A.W.,et al, 1998

Cerebral Aneurysmal Arteriopathy in Childhood AIDS
Neurol 51:560-565, Dubrovsky,T.,et al, 1998

Pupil Involvement in Patients with Diabetes-Associated Oculomotor Nerve Palsy
Arch Ophthalmol 116:723-727, 7981998., Jacobson,D.M., 1998

Managing Oculomotor Nerve Palsy
Arch Ophthalmol 116:798, Trobe,J.D., 1998

Intracranial Aneurysm Rupture Presenting as Delayed Stroke Secondary to Cerebral Vasospasm
Stroke 28:2078-2080, Nussbaum,E.S.,et al, 1997

Aneurysmal Third-Nerve Palsies Presenting with Pleocytosis
Neurol 46:1176, Keane,J.R., 1996

Intracranial Hemorrhage Associated with Cocaine Abuse:A Prospective Autopsy Study
Neurol 46:1291-1296, Nolte,K.B.,et al, 1996

Cerebrovascular Complications of HIV in Children
AJNR 17:1913-1917, Shah,S.S.,et al, 1996

Endocarditis-Related Cerebral Aneurysms:Radiologic Changes with Treatment
AJNR 16:745-748, Corr,P.,et al, 1995

Familial Subarachnoid Hemorrhage:Distinctive Features and Patterns of Inheritance
Ann Neurol 38:929-934, Bromberg,J.E.C.,et al, 1995

Relative Pupillary Sparing Third Nerve Palsies:To Arteriogram or Not?
J Neuro-Ophthalmol 15:136-141, Cullom,M.E.,et al, 1995

Oculomotor Palsy From Minor Head Trauma:Initial Sign of Intracranial Aneurysm
Neurol 44:148-150, Walter,K.A.,et al, 1994

Neurovascular Manifestations of Heritable Connective Tissue Disorders:A Review
Stroke 25:889-903, Schievink,W.I.,et al, 1994

Stroke and Cerebral Infarcts in Children Infected with Human Immunodeficiency Virus
Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med 148:965-970, Philippet,P.,et al, 1994

Evolution of Oculomotor Nerve palsies
J Clin Neuro-Ophthalmol 12:21-25, Capo,H.,et al, 1992

Stroke in Young Adults
Stroke 21:382-386, Bevan,H.,et al, 1990

Warning Leak in Subarachnoid Haemorrhage
BMJ 301:190-191, Ostergaard,J.R., 1990

Stroke Associated with Cocaine Use
Arch Neurol 46:989-993, Klonoff,D.C.,et al, 1989

A Five-Year-Old Girl with Acute Renal Failure and Multiple Cerebral Infarctions
J Pediatr 115:816-823, Mauro,R.D.,et al, 1989

Fusiform Aneurysm of the Vertebrobasilar Arterial System
Stroke 20:1741-1747, Echiverri,H.C.,et al, 1989

Clinicopath Conf
Leukemia, Mycotic Aneurysm, Asperigillosis, Subarachnoid Hemorrhage, Fungal Intracran Aneurysm, Case, 7-198M 319:427-440,1988., 1988

Mendelian Etiologies of Stroke
Ann Neurol 22:175-192, Natowicz,M.&Kelley,R.I., 1987

Acid Maltase Deficiency
Engel, A. G. in Engel and Banker, Myology, McGraw-Hill Co, New York, Ch 55, p. 1629-1651, , 1986

Oculomotor Nerve
Savino, P. J. , Trobe, J. D. , In Clinical Decisions in Neuro-Ophthalmology, The C. V. Mosby Co, St., Louis, 1985, ChBurde, R. M., 1985

Isolated Fixed
Dilated Pupil as the Sole Manif of Subarach Oculomotor Nerve Palsy, Miller, N. R. in Walsh & Hoyt's, linicaoophth,Vol 2,4th Ed,p664,1985., 1985

Pupil Sparing in Oculomotor Palsy:A Brief Review
Ann Neurol 13:143-148, Nadeau,S.E.,et al, 1983

Correlation of Computed Tomographic, Angiographic, & Neuropathological Changes in Giant Cerebral Aneurysms
Radiology 132:85-92, Pinto,R.S.,et al, 1979

Bilateral Intracranial Arterial Aneurysms with a Persistent Trigeminal Artery
Arch Neurol 34:443, Kosnik,E.J.,et al, 1977

Cardiac Myxoma:A Diagnostic Challenge for the Neurologist
Neurol 26:1060, Yufe,R.,et al, 1976

Bilateral Sixth Nerve Palsy
Arch Neurol 33:681, Keane,J.R., 1976

The Carotid-Cavernous Fistula:Spontaneous & Traumatic, In Clinical Neuro-Ophthalmology
3rd Ed, Williams & Wilkins, Baltimore, p. 1714, Walsh,F.B.&Hoyt,W.F., 1969

Lupus Erythematosus
McGraw-Hill Book Co, Dubois,E., 1966

Central Nervous System Manifestations of Periarteritis Nodosa
Neurol 15:114, Ford,R.G.,et al, 1965

Bilateral Saccular Aneurysms of the Internal Carotid Artery in the Cavernous Sinus
JNNP 26:174-177, Wilson,C.B.&Myers,F.K., 1963

Subarachnoid Hemmorhage During Pregnancy and Puerperium:A Population-Based Study
Stroke 54:198-207, Korhonen,A., et al, 2023

Spontaneous Subarachnoid Haemorrhage
Lancet 400:846-862, Claassen, J. & Park, S., 2022

Bilateral Cavernous Carotid Aneurysms: Atypical Presentation of a Rare Cause of Mass Effect
Front Neurol doi:10.3389/fneur.2018.0069, Gagliardi, D.,et al, 2018

Spontaneous Subarachnoid Haemorrhage
Lancet 389:655-666, Macdonald, R.L. & Schweizer, T.A., 2017

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